Organizing a Craft Closet

Happy New Year, DIY Friends! Kicking off 2016 with a DIY organization challenge!#michaelsmakers diy organization challenge

Every January, I find myself wanting to declutter and get organized around the house. I do have a craft room upstairs that acts more as a storage room because I find that I prefer crafting on the dining room table. I’m more productive when I’m working where things are going on which inspired creating a craft closet in the guest room right off the dining room. 

closet before…DIY craft organization challenge craft closet #michaelsmakers @diyshowoff

I emptied the closet full of forgotten and unworn coats and added some shelves.DIY craft organization challenge craft closet #michaelsmakers @diyshowoff


I still want to paint but my favorite part was shopping Michaels newly launched line of storage and organization products called Cre8ted Spaces available in stores now. Tons of different colors, bins and office supplies – with more than 300 new items in 4 coordinating colors. You have to check it out! 

DIY craft organization challenge craft closet #michaelsmakers @diyshowoff

As a part of the Michaels’ Makers January DIY Organizational Challenge, an unused closet makes crafting on our main floor in the dining room with my most used craft supplies for essential oil business and gifts so much easier, making working more enjoyable!

DIY craft organization challenge craft closet #michaelsmakers @diyshowoff

I LOVE the gorgeous color and that there are so many fun different boxes, drawers, baskets and pencil cups to hold and organize my supplies. 

DIY craft organization challenge craft closet #michaelsmakers @diyshowoffDIY craft organization challenge craft closet #michaelsmakers @diyshowoffDIY craft organization challenge craft closet #michaelsmakers @diyshowoff

Where do you craft? In a designated craft space? The dining room or kitchen table? The living room floor? Do you find yourself digging around an unorganized storage space?Need some more motivation and inspiration to organize your craft space? Take a look at more storage projects on or the other 49 makers’ ideas on The Glue String for tips on designing, organizing and decorating their favorite places starting today at 10 a.m. CST!

#michaelsmakers diy organization challenge

Inspired to organize your own space? Start the year off right! Michaels has tons of products and storage supplies that can be used to decorate and inspire creativity in any room of your house or office.

DIY Freestanding Mobile Pipe Coat Rack

Holiday season! That means some entertaining in our home, get-togethers with families, dinner parties (having a holiday open house today, in fact).  Time to get holiday guest ready! Did you ever notice that your own family fills up the coat closet (sometimes to the point of “avalanche!” when opening the door? Or is that just us?!)…and when guests arrive in colder months, coats are stored in the guest bedroom in a pile on a bed? Our solution: 

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator

A DIY moveable, mobile coat rack. I am so over the utility types that teeter, lean or fall over when filled up. Know what I mean? This industrial looking DIY coat rack is sturdy, not to mention adds a touch of rustic industrial style.

Materials I used:

  • (1) 48 inch stair tread (I used red oak but for a more budget friendly option, there was also pine)
  • Rust-Oleum Ultimate Wood Stain (color is kona and ebony)
  • foam brush for applying stain, gloves & rags, paint brush for applying polyurethane
  • Rust-Oleum Polyurethane sealer (finish is satin)
  • (4) heavy duty casters 
  • (2) 3/4″ flanges
  • (2) 24″ galvanized steel pipes
  • (2) 30″ galvanized pipes
  • (2) 3/4″ tee connectors
  • (2) 3/4″ nipple connectors
  • (2) 3/4″ 90 degree elbows
  • (2) 3/4″ 90 degree street elbows
  • (2) 3/4″ caps
  • (1) 36″ galvanized pipe
  • #12 1 inch hexagon washers (screws)

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreatorDIY coat rack with galvanized steel pipe and casters @diyshowoff

What I did:

Soak the sticker parts of the galvanized pipes in hot soapy water. (It doesn’t take long.) Remove stickers. Dry pipes and set aside. 

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator

Finish the wood. Using the foam brush, I applied the wood stain (brush on in the same direction as the wood grain). Let sit for a few minutes then wipe away the excess with old rags. Unlike pine, the red oak wasn’t absorbing my favorite kona colored stain in as rich of a color so I also applied two coats of ebony in the same way to achieve a darker color. Stain then dries in about an hour. 

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator

After the stain was dry, I sealed the wood using a coat of polyurethane. Simply brush on (looks a bit milky when wet but dries clear). I let that dry overnight. 

I attached the four casters to the under (unfinished) side using the hexagon screws. Be careful with the screws on the cut side of the wood. Going too close to the edge may cause the wood to crack. 

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator

Flip right side up. Set aside the nipple connectors, two street elbows and the caps. 

Next I assembled my pipe pieces. Starting with the flanges. Screw 30″ pipes into flanges.

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreatorThen add tees to the other end of each 30″ pipe.

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator


Then add the other 30″ pipe sections (one to each tee – you’ll have two poles at this point).

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator

Add a 90 degree elbow to the top of one pole.

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator

Connect the 36″ galvanized pipe (center) piece. Add a 90 degree elbow to the end of the center pipe piece then add the other pole.  

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator

Place the pole-contraption onto the wood stair riser (I found the center by using a yard stick).  Attach flanges to the wood using the hex screws.

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator

Add nipple connectors to the center tees, then elbows then caps. This creates a space for hanging purses, hats or scarves. 

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator

Now when we’re expecting guests, we can simply roll the coat rack near the door for hanging coats. Or use it as extra hanging space in a room without a closet (or one with a packed closet). Handy to have in the laundry room too! 

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreatorDIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator

Store it in the basement, a closet, the laundry room, an office or guest room and then move near the door for parties and gatherings. Or if you have room, display near the front door entryway or mudroom area. 

DIY galvanized pipe and wood mobile coat rack on casters @diyshowoff #lowescreator 

DIYShowOff #lowescreator

I received a Lowe’s gift card to put towards this challenge. Opinion and above idea is 100% my own. More DIY ideas at Lowe’s Creative Ideas or follow Lowe’s on InstagramPinterest and sign up for the Creative Ideas magazine and app.

Thrifty Bathroom Counter Organizer


Thrifty bathroom counter organizer (this would be cute on a desktop in my home office too)…bathroom organizer at 


  • Thrift store scores: mismatched vase, ceramic jar with lid, tiny dish and tile trivet
  • RustOleum FlexiDip (removable rubber coating in gray) or spray paint

DIYShowOff bathroom counter organizer materials

How to: Clean and dry ceramic pieces. Apply 4-6 light even coats allowing 5 minutes dry time between each coat. Let dry overnight. Optional: Glue pieces together with an epoxy glue. Rubber coating is removable (within three months) when adhered to plastic, metal and glass…pretty cool! 

DIYShowOff bathroom counter organizer materials

That’s it. I love the matte color, texture, that if I had used something ‘precious’, I’d be able to peel away the rubbing coating, and that it’s waterproof too. 

bathroom counter organization at diyshowoffbathroom organizer at

See the bathroom reveal here