Happy New Year, DIY Friends! Kicking off 2016 with a DIY organization challenge!
Every January, I find myself wanting to declutter and get organized around the house. I do have a craft room upstairs that acts more as a storage room because I find that I prefer crafting on the dining room table. I’m more productive when I’m working where things are going on which inspired creating a craft closet in the guest room right off the dining room.
I emptied the closet full of forgotten and unworn coats and added some shelves.
I still want to paint but my favorite part was shopping Michaels newly launched line of storage and organization products called Cre8ted Spaces available in stores now. Tons of different colors, bins and office supplies – with more than 300 new items in 4 coordinating colors. You have to check it out!
As a part of the Michaels’ Makers January DIY Organizational Challenge, an unused closet makes crafting on our main floor in the dining room with my most used craft supplies for essential oil business and gifts so much easier, making working more enjoyable!
I LOVE the gorgeous color and that there are so many fun different boxes, drawers, baskets and pencil cups to hold and organize my supplies.
Where do you craft? In a designated craft space? The dining room or kitchen table? The living room floor? Do you find yourself digging around an unorganized storage space?Need some more motivation and inspiration to organize your craft space? Take a look at more storage projects on Michaels.com or the other 49 makers’ ideas on The Glue String for tips on designing, organizing and decorating their favorite places starting today at 10 a.m. CST!

Inspired to organize your own space? Start the year off right! Michaels has tons of products and storage supplies that can be used to decorate and inspire creativity in any room of your house or office.
I KNEW when I saw YL it had to be for Young Living, I love your space! I need to organize my oil biz as well, definitely heading to Michaels now!
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