Honeywell WiFi Smart Thermostat with Voice Control Review and Giveaway

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Honeywell International Inc. for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

We weren’t in the market for a new thermostat. Our older digitial Honeywell thermostat did the job but when the opportunity to try the new Honeywell Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat with Voice Control came up and after doing a little research, we decided that the options were super cool and convenient and something we wanted. 

 photo 6fd4f4c0-102c-4c98-9d09-36b3d61074f8_zps807a6b75.png

1 – Voice Control. Of course the fact that it has a voice control option is cool and super high tech but it’s also convenient. (And yes, maybe even a little lazy…but the same was said when the television got the remote option and we didn’t have to get up off the couch to turn the tv channel. Remember that? Now we can’t live without it!) So, saying “Hello Thermostat.” and “Make it 2 degrees warmer (or cooler)” without getting up is a luxury! It recognized the voice command on the first try and even when I accented “Helloooo Thermostat” in the same way as Jerry Seinfeld’s “Helloooo Newman”! It even has volume and sensitivity settings. And you’re likely to lose your voice less often than you are a remote. 😉 

2 – Remote Access. Another convenience! I can check and control my thermostat from any computer by logging into or using the TotalConnectComfort app on my iPhone (also availabe on Android). So just like I can warm up my car with remote start, I can also warm up or cool down my home before I arrive or make adjustments if I forget when I leave the house. Or mess with my husband when he’s home alone. haha!

via computer


via app

Honeywell TotalConnectComfort App

3 – Easy Installation. I didn’t include a tutorial because more than likely your wiring is different than mine and Honeywell provides well written detailed instructions as well as a quick start guide and helpful installation videos. With everything I needed right in the box and just a few tools (tiny/precise standard screw driver, Phillips screwdriver, level and drill for making pilot holes) as well as helpful installation videos online (including support and different videos for differing wiring options), installation was so simple, I was able to install the thermostat myself while my husband prepared dinner. WiFi set up and registration are simple too! Note: It’s tinier than it looks! See my picture below. So you may need to touch up your wall paint if previous thermostat was larger or a different shape. It looks like a shadow in the picture, but that’s paint I need to touch up. 

4 – Smart Response. It’s pretty neat that outdoor and indoor temps and humidity are displayed. Custom scheduling is another awesome option. I work from home so we don’t have to schedule Mon-Fri to accomodate being away from home but for us to schedule heating and cooling that works for our routine means waking to 70 degrees and falling asleep to 67 degrees seven days a week. Having it automatically adjust means no waking up sweating in the middle of the night because we forgot to adjust the thermostat and having to getting up and walk downstairs to make the change and not stepping out of bed and shivering first thing in the morning is pretty nice too!

5 – TouchScreen. Easy to read and customizable. I can choose screen colors that match my decor! And we’re not talking just tacky primary colors. Options include Midnight, Aurora, Plum, Blaze, Tangerine, Ice, Rose, Lavender, Chrome, Cabernet, Waterfall, Pear, Emerald, Berry, Sunshine. Something for everyone! My husband prefers the Midnight…black for a sleek, high tech look. I may change it to Rose or Cabernet for Valentine’s day when he’s not looking.

Honeywell WiFi Smart Thermostat with Voice Control

Pretty cool, right? How can you get one? Before deciding if this is the right thermostat for you, review the details and specs here:  Honeywell Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat with Voice Control. The Honeywell WiFi Smart Thermostat with Voice Control is available at Home Depot, and The Honeywell Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat with Voice Control was named Best New Product of 2013. You can also enter to win one right here! 



1. Leave a comment below telling me what’s your favorite feature of the Honeywell WiFi Smart Thermostat (I’ve listed them listed above).

2. Giveaway runs today, right now and ends Friday, January 24th, 2014 at midnight EST.

3. Winner will be chosen randomly and announced shortly after.

4. Open to US residents 18+ years of age only.  

5. One entry per person.

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Getting Holiday Ready & Giveaway

How the heck do you get ready for the holidays when your home is under DIY construction and chaos? Well, I’m not sure but I can tell you how it’s going for me. When I have a lot going on, I’m a list maker. Seeing what needs done and checking things off helps keep me on track.  Otherwise, you know something’s going to get forgotten. This year, with being a part of the Lowe’s Creative Ideas team, Lowe’s has played a large part in halting my holiday home procrastination.

mercury glass centerpiece

Here is how my list goes:

  1. First priority is to finish up existing projects like bigger tasks so that I can breathe, relax and enjoy the rest of the year. So, I’m pushing to get some projects like our window installation, open pantry makeover and laundry room makeover complete. You may not see those makeovers until January, but my deadline for finishing them is a real life holiday home tour on 12/7.
  2. Cleaning and de-cluttering. In order to prep for digging out all of those bins filled with holiday decorating goodness, I need to start with a clean slate. That means piling up existing decorative accents (to be stored in the empty Christmas bins) and dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, scrubbing. 
  3. Re-arranging the furniture. I decorate three trees for Christmas so moving furniture around to make room is one of my favorite parts of decorating. I love a fresh new perspective from the usual arranged room, don’t you? 
  4. This one I usually start the weekend after Thanksgiving: Hauling out the Christmas decor bins and decorating! Pump up the volume on those Christmas tunes and deck the halls! 
  5. Sending out Christmas cards to family and friends. DIY Christmas Card Tree Display
  6. Holiday shopping. I’ve started a little shopping the past month or two but this is the time I take to get it done. I love giving gifts! Do you wrap as you go or pile it all up or wrap all gifts at once?  I love to be organized about it and wrap it all at once. Blasting the Christmas music in the background, singing along, ribbons and bows and paper and scissors and tape all within reach. It’s a huge wrap-fest! A party for one. 
  7. Holiday baking. I don’t do much baking but hoping to change that a little this year. I’d love to have a variety of cookies to go with my hot cocoa. chevron wooden table runner{chevron wooden table runner tutorial}

Call me crazy but I’m {unrealistically?} optimistic! Check back with me next weekend and I may be in a panic. Because #1 on my list is a doozy. But if I don’t have everything crossed off my list this week, I do have next week before Thanksgiving and the weekend after to fall back on. Having a deadline puts the pressure on to get things wrapped up…and I’m not even talking about the presents yet!rustic vintage glam christmas centerpiece

A few weeks’ back when I first started thinking about getting my home ready for the holidays by following the Lowe’s Holiday Showcase, I had the opportunity to play around with some decorating. Just enough to get me excited to get the projects done in order to get to the reward:rustic Christmas mantel

…really decorating for Christmas.rustic metallic vignette

Christmas vignette

That was a couple of weeks ago. Remember when I said I’m working on completing some bigger projects and a house under DIY construction? This is my dining room table now…{keeping it real!}dining room mess

Yikes! Not for long. According to my list, I’ll be clearing that table off today! Hurray!rustic glitter Christmas decor

I hosted a small get together with family and friends and we discussed holiday decorating and plans


Putting together a list this time of year really helps keep me on track as well as ensures I don’t forget something with so much going on.

THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. Winner is JD who commented: Paint! I’ve had paint chips up in the bedroom and bathroom for months now, and we have a nursery to do now too! Congratulations, JD! You’ll be notified by email!

$50 Lowe’s GIVEAWAY

How do you get your home holiday ready? How about a $50 Lowe’s giveaway to finish up some home improvement or to start shopping for the holidays? 

To be entered to win, simply leave a comment below telling me how you’d spend $50 at Lowe’s right now. I appreciate your shares! Leave a comment telling me how you shared as well for another chance to win. 

*Giveaway runs now through Wed., 11/27/13 at midnight EST. Winner will be chosen randomly from the comments and announced shortly after. Giveaway is open to US residents 18+ only. 

See more fun DIY ideas at Lowe’s Creative Ideas, follow Lowe’s on InstagramPinterest and sign up for the Creative Ideas magazine and app! You’ll see my DIY foldable luggage rack for getting guest room ready in the November digital issue! So exciting!

LCI winter

*Disclaimer: I’m a member of the Lowe’s Creative Ideas Creators and Influencers network. I was compensated for hosting a Holiday Ready Home party and supplied with a gift card for some Lowe’s holiday decor (shown above). All opinions are my own. 

DIYShowOff Gift Recommendations

Who could use some cold hard cash to get a head start on holiday shopping? Or how about something for yourself just this once? (Hey, I know you and I’d say you deserve a reward!) I’m joining a talented group of awesome blog friends in sharing some gift recommendations AND we’ve gathered together to offer a fun giveaway too!

*** UPDATE 11/12/13: This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Lisa F!

Earlybird Xmas giveaway

I LOVE LOVE LOVE giving! I spend a lot of time choosing just the right gift for each member of my family, so as I sat down to research my gift recommendations, I struggled with how to recommend something for someone I don’t know/something more generic. And after nearly 12 hours of browsing and editing a draft post 35902 times…I realized it just wasn’t going to happen or feel inspiring.

However! My family has already asked me for my Christmas wish list…so, here are some things I love and recommend (for me) but perhaps you’ll spy some great ideas for your holiday gift-buying (or your own wish list).

All year long our extra cash goes towards DIY home improvement and decorating and that wish list is loooooong, believe me! So for fun, I made a detour from the usual DIY theme. Each item listed is way below $250. Gotta love more bang for your buck! 

Winter Woodland Warmth

Roeshel's Wish List 1

H M pink sweater
$24 –


Kate Spade earrings

Tube scarf

Wall art

H M candles candleholder
$6.37 –

H M holiday decoration
$4.77 –
Or something a little more relaxing…
Comfort & Joy
Roeshel's Wish List 2


What’s on your wish list? How can you enter to win, you ask? 

earlybird xmas $250 giveaway

  • Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.
  • Giveaway is open to all readers 18+. 
  • Giveaway starts Tuesday, Nov. 5 th at 7 a.m. EST and ends 12 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12th.
  • Winner will be chosen randomly and announced shortly after. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

There’s a $100 Overstock gift card being given away to two lucky DIYShowOff readers too! 

Visit these sweet blog friends to see what’s on their wish list…

Xmas Giveaway

Jen at City Farmhouse
Roeshel at DIY Showoff (you’re already here!)
Krista at The Happy Housie
Liz at Love Grows Wild
Rachel at Maison de Pax
Jenna at Rain on a Tin Roof
Jamie at So Much Better With Age
Corey at Tiny Sidekick
Laura at The Turquoise Home
Katie at Upcycled Treasures