Pantry Before and After

A pantry makeover, before and after…DIYShowOff Open Pantry before and after makeover

Did that space actually grow larger and taller with the addition of shelves or is it just me?

When we removed a pantry closet in our kitchen to move the refrigerator (more on that here), it decreased valuable storage space. What were we thinking?! What to do? Well, after much thought, the solution was to utilize an odd room/hallway to create more storage space. Lucky for us, that space exists in our home right behind the kitchen. Jackpot! Kismet. Fate. Whatever – it was finally time to make it happen!

The space is bigger than a hallway but six (6!) doorways make it too awkward to be a room. There are doorways opening to the kitchen, dining room, living room, old cellar stairwell, enclosed porch (original front door) and half bathroom. We walk through that room a gazillion times a day.

It’s approximately 6 ft. wide and 9 ft. long with 9 ft. ceilings. Ever since previous owners enclosed the front porch and re-routed the front door, this poor former entryway has been feeling forgotten. Perfect for some custom DIY industrial pipe shelving and a new job description as ‘open pantry’. 

Where is all started: The idea to one day call this area a pantry formed three years ago after drooling over this awesome pantry by Emerson Made on Design Sponge.Emerson Made open pantry

And then falling in love with this cool pipe shelving I spied at the Brick Housepipe shelving at the Brick House

inspired the transformation of this space…

before – boring, useless, a lamp for lightopen pantry before

now: a functional beautiful open pantry area…DIYShowOff Open Pantry

with new paint, new lighting and DIY industrial pipe shelving. It’s a small space…no room to get a photo straight on of the monstrous pipe shelves but plenty of walking room even with 20 inch deep shelving. I love storing dried goods in glass jars too. 

Before from another angle…pantry area before

After…isn’t the industrial pipe shelving unit awesome?!DIYShowOff Industrial Pipe Shelving

It’s super convenient with it’s location right off the kitchen.industrial farmhouse pantry makeoverThe shelves were designed to fit the wall to ceiling and floor space perfectly and to accommodate our microwave as well as dried goods and baskets. I’m still messing with getting it all organized but I loooove how this once awkward unused space is now functional and pretty! Hurray!industrial cottage pantry

More photos: Notice all of the doorways?DIYShowOff Pantryfarmhouse pantryfarmhouse pantry decor

Custom design was also handy when working around the heat vent…Kitchen Pantry

Why yes, that’s still a little Christmas hanging around for another week or so. Thanks for noticing!Industrial Pipe ShelvingI’ll share more about the lighting challenge soon too.farmhouse industrial pantry lighting

  • Paint – inexpensive way to brighten up a room lacking natural lighting. (accent wall tutorial) Base wall color: Valspar Cool Grey. 
  • Lighting – The Allen + Roth fixtures from Lowe’s were super affordable at around $57/ea. but electrical wound up costing more than I anticipated due to labor charges because there was no lighting whatsoever in the space from the get go and an outdated electrical outlet. (We did attempt DIY but it was over our heads and I’m not referring to just literally!) The exterior track/wiring adds to the industrial charm.
  • Pipe shelving – DIY means custom to fit our space and needs. Not a cheap DIY but still more affordable than purchasing two manufactured floor to ceiling shelving units. I’ll share how we did in in a couple of days! Check back!
  • West Elm Fiesta Tile Printed Jute Rug (sold out)
  • Flea Market Distressed Galvanized Metal Clock (DecorSteals – currently unavailable)
  • IKEA Burken jars with lids
  • Large Seagrass Basket (I got a set of three nesting ones on clearance at Wisteria a few years ago.)
  • Petite Cow & Bull Cameo Plaques, set of 2 – Antique Farm House
  • Grocery Sign – I had plans for this to be a DIY sign (mine would have been the same wood stain as the shelving with white lettering, not red) but with so much going on in December and the real life holiday home tour deadline…when I spied it at Hobby Lobby, I couldn’t resist.
  • Galvanized letter B – Hobby Lobby

DIY Pantry Makeover before and after


pipe shelving how to 


easy painted accent wall



Industrial Pantry Light Details

  • This post is sponsored by my Young Living business! Check out my essential oils page for more information on how you can get these amazing oils in your hands too along with helpful freebies, a gift from me, and tons of support:
    young living essential oils @diyshowoff

Happy New Year!

I know, I’m a day late but Mr. DIY and I were recovering from New Year’s Eve. Not in the way you might think. We’re not party animals but we did stay up to count down and watch the ball drop meaning we were up past our usual bedtime. But anyway, Happy New Year, happy 2014, friends! No confetti or noise makers but my written sentiment is just as celebratory! newyear2014

Do you make a new year’s resolution? I don’t because more often than not, I’m good to go for a few days before I forget or give up. But I do like the idea of a word of the year (inspired by Layla at the Lettered Cottage). Just one word. Just for me. For focusing on goals, thoughts and plans for the new year.

Earlier this week I shared a tutorial for a glitter iron-on vinyl decal.iron on vinyl glitter decal tshirt tutorial

Did you see it? Now don’t go thinking I’m all crazy when I say my word of the year is “horse”. Are you laughing?! Did I hear a snort?

Say what? Horse?! Nay (neigh?), really? Yep! This is how my brain works: Choosing a word for 2014 has been on my mind. And when I was working on a project for the glitter iron-on vinyl tutorial…I procrastinated. My glitter monogramed stockings didn’t happen so a plan B came into play. And I happen to really like graphic t-shirts right now so my project plan changed to dressing one up. I didn’t want a Happy New Year t-shirt. Ya know? I mean…there’s a really small window of when that’s wearable. So it got me to wondering what the Chinese zodiac symbol for 2014 is and I discovered: it’s the year of the horse. (It got you wondering along the same lines, right? No? It’s official. I’m weird.)

Anyway – I’m not really sure what all that means. I mean, according to the Chinese calendar, I’m a dog. But 2014 is the year of the horse and then it got me thinking of 4 things that horses symbolize…

  • grace
  • inner strength
  • freedom
  • treasure

What do you mean treasure doesn’t relate to the horse? My word. My symbolism. K? Of course I don’t own a real live horse but I’m pretty sure they’re expensive to have. That means $. And $ is treasure, is it not? See…I’m rational and in my right mind. So there you have it. My word for the year. HORSE. Let me explain a little more or if no one is reading, at least journal for reference so I don’t forget and whinny and gallop all of 2014 instead. (I can’t get that sweet prancercize lady out of my head now. Not sure what I mean? Search youtube. You’ll want to be able to identify prancercize moves in my upcoming DIY videos. Kidding!) Ahem. Back to the reason for my choice of word of the year:

  • Grace. Okay, I admit it, I lack coordination and you really won’t see me practicing prancercize. I don’t possess grace in that sense. But I’m more specifically referring to God’s love and mercy. That grace. Because it’s so easy to get wrapped up in everything else that’s going on, “horse” is going to remind me to devote more time to Him. 
  • I often tend to be quiet, unsure of myself, indecisive. I need to harness some inner strength (it’s in there somewhere, right?) to change the things I consider my weaknesses. I don’t know why I’m the way I am but those things about myself get on my nerves. It looks like they’re not going to change on their own so I’m counting on some inner strength for courage to change. That will lead to this:
  • In 2014, I’m working on being free of anxiety, worry and lack of confidence. It doesn’t come naturally, so freedom from those weights is a biggy. 
  • Treasure. This relates to how I want the people in my life to feel. Isn’t it so easy to take those closest to us for granted? It doesn’t happen on purpose but it happens nonetheless. I want to remember to be thoughtful and to let others know how much they mean to me, to know they are treasured. And just so you know, in case I haven’t told you in a while, I treasure you for taking the time to stop by, for reading along (you’re still here, right?), for being supportive, for your friendship. You being here is this blog’s biggest treasure.

Did you notice the first letter of those four things? G-I-F-T. Along with ‘horse’. Because last but not least, I want to apply the old saying “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” to my life. In other words, most of all…every day is a gift and I’m going to be grateful for that gift for grateful


So every time I see a horse this year, real or not, I’ll be thinking of grace, inner strength, freedom, treasure, the gift of life. 

Does that explain “horse” as my word of the year? Make sense? If not…just process it it a little more. And if you still just don’t get it, it’s okay. It only has to make sense to me, really. Last year I just made a list of goals (not all were accomplished so it’s spilling over into 2014 too!). 2012, my word was “keep“. What’s your word of the year?

Wishing you the best year ever!


Ps. Today would have been my dad’s 72nd birthday. I sure do miss him. He did have horses and I do cherish memories of horseback riding with him. Fond memories when it comes to remembering laughing with my dad. Not so fond when I remember not being able to sit comfortably afterwards.

Pps. I actually have 3 horse figurines/statue-things and was going to include pretty horse themed vignettes for your viewing pleasure and to help this post make a little more sense or at least more tolerable but it didn’t happen. I apologize. But I bet you’ll see them in my home and decorating throughout the year! And then I’ll edit this post and add them in. If I don’t forget. Maybe I should have considered “elephant”, huh? An elephant never forgets. 😉