Meet: Kelly from

Kelly has a sweet blog full of a wide variety of interests. I love her mantra: “Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” Love that. A great reminder for 2012 – create your best life. Today, Kelly is sharing a fun and inexpensive DIY project:

images via Elle Decor
1.Amethyst Bookends 2.Shell Bookends 3.Steer Horn Bookends 4. Agate Bookends
I especially love animal figurine bookends so I decided to make my own. Guess how much my bookends cost me! 4 bucks. I got my cute little elephants for $1 each…don’t you love them?

All I had to do was spray paint them with gold spray paint and I started to get the look I was going for. [which would be the “i’m really heavy, not hollow,” look]

After I painted them I’m in the process of glueing together two pieces of wood for the “L” shaped ends. Then I’m glueing the elephants on so they look like they are pushing and holding up the books with their tusks.

For all you know they could be 10 pounds each of solid brass! I think they are going to turn out pretty coolonce my elephants are on the wood “L”and get up a little higher. I’m really happy with the outcome!What do you think? What animal would you make your bookends? Target had a whole bin of different plastic animals to choose from!
CREATIVE and so cute! What a great idea…perfect easy project to get you DIY’ing in 2012! I know I’ll be keeping my eyes open for something fun to DIY my own bookends. See more from Kelly at

Ps. Kristin is featuring my script drop cloth curtains today in her Tuesday’s Treasures party! Woo hoo!
and a very special “Thank You” to Gwen from The Bold Abode who presented me with not just one amazing gift, but 3! Three super cute favicons for my new DIY Show Off site! See it up there in on the web tab? Adorable! On a day when my dad would have been 70 and I was missing him, Gwen gave me a big virtual hug and a smile and if you’re looking for some inspiration and encouragement, you need to stop by and visit her. I promise, she’ll make you laugh.