Sleepy time! Do you love it as much as I do? I know I don’t want to be operating power tools with a foggy head from lack of sleep. Not to mention, my family isn’t the most pleasant to be around when functioning on little sleep (me either for that matter). Know what I mean?
In our home: Someone has a bit of trouble falling asleep and when he does sleep, he sometimes snores. No sleep apnea. No medical conditions. Just out like a light when he finally gets there and sometimes, quite the disturbance. Me? I have a bit of trouble with turning my brain off at night so I read until I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. Then I sleep peacefully unless there’s a disturbance from the other side of the bed.

Here are the Young Living essential oils that have helped our family get a peaceful night’s rest:
- Cedarwood – Cedarwood has a warm, balsamic, woody aroma. It is relaxing and soothing when used for massage, and has long been used as a beneficial ingredient in cosmetic preparations for oily skin. He says it doesn’t make him feel drowsy instantly but it does promote a restful night of sleep. He does not like the smell (I don’t mind it) but the odor doesn’t stay around long and it’s a small price to pay for a restful snooze. He simply rubs a drop onto the bottom of each foot.
- Valerian – He adds a drop to a glass of milk. He does make a face and says it’s like a shot of what whiskey + milk would taste like but it makes him drowsy within a few minutes. It promotes a peaceful night’s sleep. He’s also added a drop to each foot but prefers the “shot” orally. This one smells stinky to me but again, not really a big deal. Valerian root has been used for thousands of years for its calming, grounding, and emotionally balancing influences. During the last three decades, it has been clinically investigated for its relaxing properties. Before we were introduced to Young Living essential oils, my husband occasionally took this in pill form as needed.
- Valor – Valor is an empowering combination of therapeutic-grade essential oils that works with both the physical and spiritual aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem in the face of adversity. Renowned for its strengthening qualities, Valor enhances an individual’s internal resources. It has also been found to help energy alignment in the body.
- RutaVaLa – RutaVaLa promotes relaxation of the body and mind. It helps ease tension and relieve stress. The blend helps overcome negative feelings while encouraging a positive attitude and comfort. A blend of rue, valerian and lavender. Apply RutaVaLa essential oil blend on the back of neck, base of spine, the feet, or just under the nose before bed to overcome negative feelings and lull the mind into a sense of comfort.
- Lavender – I add a few drops to distilled water with a pinch of epsom salts to a spray bottle and spritz our pillows and sheets every evening. Lavender has a fresh, sweet, floral, herbaceous aroma that is soothing and refreshing. Because it is the most versatile of all essential oils, no home should be without it. Lavender is an adaptogen, and therefore can assist the body when adapting to stress or imbalances. It is a great aid for relaxing and winding down before bedtime, yet has balancing properties that can also boost stamina and energy.
- Peace & Calming – Peace & Calming is a gentle, fragrant blend. When diffused, it helps calm tensions and uplift the spirit, promoting relaxation and a deep sense of peace. When massaged on the bottoms of the feet, it can be a wonderful prelude to a peaceful night’s rest. Peace & Calming may be especially calming and comforting to young children after an overactive and stressful day. This one is my mom’s favorite and she claims a little goes a long way. A lovely oil to diffuse at bed time. Calms everyone…including the dog.
- Tranquil Roll On – When I have had a stressful day and can’t even concentrate on my book at bedtime, I apply this to my wrists, temples and a swipe under my nose for promoting relaxation. Tranquil Roll-On is a blend of lavender, cedarwood and roman chamomile essential oils formulated to calm and relax the body and mind. Using the roll-on application, Tranquil provides convenient and portable relaxation.
No groggy feeling the next day. No side effects.

*Note: We do not use all of the above mentioned oils every night, all together at one time. He chooses either Valerian, Cedarwood or soon, RutaVaLa…whichever we happen to have on hand. He alternates between them, one a night. I use the lavender recipe to spritz the sheets and pillows every night or when I remember to. I crack open the Tranquil if he’s exhausted after a long day at work and apply Valor before (if I remember). We diffuse Peace & Calming while we’re unwinding in the evenings. I grab the Tranquil Roll On (or Stress Away) if I have a lot on my mind.
If having occasional trouble getting your thoughts to stop when your head hits the pillow and desperate to try something all natural… I recommend giving these Young Living essential oils a try. I’ve had several family members share amazing results. I hope they’ll help you too!
Want to know more and the information on how you can get your own?Go here.