DIY {club foot} Brace Cover

Sweet grand baby boy was born with club feet and after months of casting then surgery, he graduated to special shoes and a bar.


DIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoff

And sometimes that bar conks him on the head. Ouch. So I made up a little cushion/cover and wanted to share here for others who may be searching to cover their baby’s Ponseti bar.

DIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoff

Materials I used:

  • pipe insulation
  • fabric
  • Velcro one wrap

DIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoff

What I did:

I cut a piece of pipe insulation to fit the brace between the shoes (6 inches). 

Next, I cut a piece of scrap fabric 8×9 inches. (It’s a snug fit so I’d suggest doing 8×11 inches instead…a little extra to tuck in.)

DIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoff

Then just ironed/sewed the borders. 

DIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoffDIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoff

I cut two pieces of the Velcro to fit around the pipe insulation snuggly. 

DIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoff

Assembly: Insert the brace into the pipe insulation. Wrap the fabric around the pipe insulation, tucking the ends into the open side. Secure with the Velcro. 

Optional: If you’re more of a sewing expert than me, you could do snaps or sew on velcro. 

DIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoff

Now, the brace has a bit of cushioning. If there was only a way to cushion those hard soled shoes.

DIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoffDIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoff DIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoff


Ps. Yes, his shoes are on backwards. Doctors orders, part of the treatment. Isn’t he the cutest?

DIY {club foot} brace cover tutorial @diyshowoff

That DIY Party

Hi DIY friends! Did you remember to turn your clocks ahead 1 hour? I do love my sleep but I didn’t miss that hour. I’m looking forward to longer days! More time for DIY. It’s That DIY Party time!

That DIY Party

DIYShowOff weekly recap:

It’s still snowing here but there’s a little Springtime in Paris in the family room…

decoupage vase @diyshowoff #SpringTimeinParis #michaelsmakers

and an awesome TRIP TO PARIS contest and it’s so easy to enter to win!

#springtimeinparis #michaelsmakers @diyshowoff

What’s your favorite current trend? I’m loving gold!

metallic gold @diyshowoff 

and a #proud grandma moment…he’s 13 weeks old and doing well with his shoes and bar. There was a shortage of smiles once the camera came out but an abundant supply of cuteness! He’s always smiling, laughing, cooing, talking. He loves that 1 hour of feet freedom every day. Look how improved his once completely turned in feet are doing!

baby love 2015 @diyshowoff


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DIYShowOff 2015 Essential Oil Bundle

That DIY Party time:

That DIY Party


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Happy Valentine’s Day baby photo and club feet update

Happy Valentine’s Day! One thing this new grandma can’t get enough of is this cute little love bug and a chance to whip out the camera for some photography practice. I’m not a professional photographer but I do enjoy pretending to be one. As a home/DIY blogger, I’m used to taking photos of before/after spaces and tutorial steps. A moving model is a lot more challenging but a lot of fun! I call this one “Cupid’s Aaro” and of course he’s covered in grandma kisses. Valentine's Day baby photo 2015 @diyshowoff #clubfeet

DIY cast covers: The casts had gotten a little worn and dirty looking. He does have some cute leg warmers but for this photo, I just snipped off the toes of festive dollar store socks (adult sized) and tucked in the raw edge. Perfect fit.

Update: He is now two months old and doing well! He loves to ‘talk’ and is always smiling. Thanks for the prayers! The plaster casts from his surgery were finally removed after three weeks earlier this week. He wasn’t phased one bit by the extra heavy weight from top of thighs to little tiny toes but he was temporarily horribly traumatized by the saw.  Measurements were taken and he’s now wearing temporary shoes and bar until his custom ones arrive. He’ll wear them for 23 hours a day. 

club feet shoes & braces @diyshowoff

His feet are a little peel-y from being in casts for months so my daughter is applying a V6/lavender essential oil blend with success. And he’s able to finally bend his knees for the first time since he was born, lots of kicking and fascination with feet during that one hour a day without shoes. 

Happy Valentine's Day 2015 from @diyshowoff

And…I just want you to know that you are loved. Your comments, your support, your encouragement, your kindness, every time we interact, I’m smiling. I hope your Valentine’s Day is filled with lots of love, kisses and good health.