Behind the scenes of this DIY blogger’s life…

Okay…I’m warning you. This might get a little scary!

Behind the scenes of my DIY blogging life:

I can’t believe I’m going to share this but sometimes blogging isn’t as glamorous as it looks from the front side. And seriously, I have had my fair share of un-glamorous days this summer. You know what I mean, right? So if you’re here and you see that profile picture and pretty staged photos of my home…I want you to know that for every day look I like this…

rachel griffith

Just kidding! I’m told that’s my movie-star twin, Rachel Griffiths.

Roeshel DIY Show Off

{me with my girls}

there are 10 more days in a row when I really look like this while I’m working on a DIY project…

DIY clothing

and some days when I’m editing photos, writing a post, reading blogs, catching up on my social media or doing laundry (or not) and unloading the dishwasher and not leaving the house, {maybe even enjoying a little laziness and re-energizing}, I look like this behind my laptop surrounded by cat fur, dusty end tables, a spray bottle for when the cat gets wild…oh, and my dirty lunch plate. 


{curse those hereditary dark circles! Rachel Griffiths never looks like this!}

{real friends will NOT pin the above picture! lol!}

{curse that old comfy couch that I don’t like}

YES!  This is how I show up when I visit you but remember, it’s perfect acceptable attire for showing up to any web address. Party dress, black tie not required. And when you visit my web address, I’ll embrace you and only see your beautiful smile and hear your kind words if you’re leaving a comment. Most times, I have a feeling we visit each other when we don’t look our best. And we’re still friends. 🙂

And while my dining room looks so pretty when it’s all cleaned up, especially for a photo shoot like this…

 farmhouse christmas dining room


in real life while we’re working on the apartment renovation and collecting things for baby girl’s first place and boxes for a moving day AND there’s no time to clean {catching my breath} – my house is neglected! It looks like this…

“Dining Room! Dining Room?”

“Where are you? I know you’re in here!”

cluttered dining room

{Inspiration! Makes you want to get up and clean, doesn’t it?}

Or my guest bedroom in a magazine looks so pretty and cleaned like this…

DIY Show Off FrogTape ad

{see the guest bedroom before/after here}

but a few months later:

Real life happens and a daughter takes over the room, there is little storage, a family room is emptied here to redo floors and teenagers have little regard for folding clothes and it looks like this (and I highly doubt YOU have a room that looks this bad in your home!) See if you can spot the painted/stenciled floor in this room? haha! It’s there…somewhere!

cluttered guest bedroom

hides face in embarrassment….

why yes, that’s a pillow in an empty fish tank sitting on an old media center on the left, thank you for noticing.

When I get to feeling overwhelmed, discouraged and wonder how in the world anyone can have such a perfect life…I stop and remember, we can all make it look fabulous when we only share what we want to.

And right now this is my life. I will find the time to catch up. When the apartment renovation is completed and baby girl is moved, I will see my dining room and guest bedroom again. I can’t wait for the day when my stairs won’t look like a “build-a-cat” store.

And did I want to share these images with you? Not really…but I love reading honest real life stories. And this is the blessed one I’m living right now and I know sometimes when I’m working hard but feel like I’m running in circles and not everything is getting done and my life isn’t as perfect as I share {with the exception of today}, that…

Real life is beautiful and amazing. But it’s also dirty, messy, busy, lazy, hectic, crazy, overwhelming and you are just 1 person.

Not superwoman.

Not perfect.

But a friend just the same.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed and under dressed, remember that you are amazing, talented, kind, generous and thoughtful and real. And if you spend a day here and there in your pajamas without makeup and if you have a cluttered neglected home until you get the time and motivation to clean, just know that I love you most those days because you’re just like me…not a fictional character but real with lots of blessings and life going on around you. And if you share those crazy days too, I won’t think less of you because it makes me realize that we share something in common…being human. This is my real life.

Thanks for being here, reading along, leaving comments, sharing your DIY, pinning, your support and encouragement and friendship, for liking me just the way I am. I may not always have time to show it, but I try and I appreciate it so much! Now, I think I’ll go get dressed. 🙂

Enjoy the weekend!

Want to join me in being real, revealing a look behind the scenes? If you write up a blog post, share the link in the comments. I’ll pop over and give you a shout of encouragement and support. 

Why I blog

Are there days when you ask yourself the same thing?

My blogging started as a way to journal our home improvement, decorating before and after projects. When we bought this old house, I discovered a ‘register’ where previous owners recorded their home improvements.



farmhouse kitchen

My blog is my ‘register’. It’s easy for us to see all that’s not completed and the long list of home improvements that still remain unfinished. I don’t know that our list will ever not have something on it. It’s pretty long. But if that day should ever arrive, I have a feeling it will be so far in the future that we’ll be starting over because my style evolves and changes so frequently. We’ll never be done. The good news is, I never get tired of playing with my life-sized doll house.


in progress


My blog is a place where we can see all that we have accomplished. When we look back through our home tour, we always feel a big sense of accomplishment and can’t believe how far we’ve come.

We saw potential in this old house, had no idea it’d take so long but love turning this neglected old home into “our home”.




powder room before and after


powder room before and after

{see more before and after DIY in our farmhouse home tour}

But, blogging developed into more than ‘just us’ and our home. I started meeting others who shared our passion for budget friendly DIY solutions. I made friends! Most of which I’ve never met face-to-face but the friendship is still just as real.

Can’t wait for the Haven conference!

I’m inspired by you. And you push my creativity and skills to a new think-outside-the-box level. It’s motivational. What would I do without you? I look forward to our projects. I look forward to YOUR projects. I know I can share with you and you appreciate the labor of love just as much as we do.

Then opportunities started coming in.

It’s exciting!

It’s work.

But it’s so rewarding. Not in a BIG financial way. There is a little financial incentive for blogging on occasion and I love that part too.  It’s extra money to work on more do-it-yourself projects (more blog content too). It’s fun trying new products and sharing the experience with you. It’s exciting that our opinion and experience is reputable and companies are realizing there is value in our blog voices. For me personally, it’s not enough to pay the bills but it is enough to sometimes purchase materials and check another DIY project off our list.

Another reward is inspiring others, teaching others that a home can be beautiful without spending a lot of money, that we can be successful in do-it-yourself home improvement. And that perfection isn’t always necessary.

I love supporting and encouraging you too. I love seeing your homes transformed, your creative ideas and hard work. I love ‘showing off’ your do-it-yourself, giving you a big congratulatory pat on the back and high five!

DIY Show Off

These are the things that make my heart swell and make me smile. That’s the key. That’s the gift that makes me blog. I know you feel the same way too.

And there are so many blogs and so little time but if you’re here today, if you’re visiting me regularly, if you’re leaving me a comment…I just want you to know that it doesn’t go un-noticed.

HIGH FIVE…um, “low five”…


{source Kalyxcornucopia – sweetest doxie photos ever!} {Check out her awesome etsy shop

Even while preparing this post, I met a new friend. See the image above? You guys know how much I love doxies. You know I’m still heartbroken and miss our girl, Niski. Well, I stumbled across a new-to-me blog and I’m definitely staying in touch with Kalyxcornucopia to get my doxie fix. Her blog and her images make me melt. I can’t get enough of those big brown eyes.


Comments and visitors are the biggest reward, aren’t they? I may not always reply to your comment (questions are the exception). But you’ll notice that I try to follow you back to your blog and comment on what you’ve been up to so that you have that same feeling of “I have company!” when you see your stats show one more visit, when you get that email saying you have a comment and you can know that someone cares.

So, welcome to our home…

our blog…

DIY Show Off blog

Thank you for stopping by. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for participating in the weekly DIY Project Parade and submitting your projects to be featured.

Thank you for making me feel like this everyday…

thank you


Lucky Linky Follower – Giveaway

Do you feel LUCKY?

Cheri (It’s So Very Cheri) and I both pestered kindly suggested to Brent (the creative genius behind Linky Tools and the new Linky Followers) that we were a teensy bit panicked over the Google Friend Connect abandonment and something fun to take it’s place was needed. We rounded up some friends to join a test group and helped to work on the best new follow tool which we announced yesterday.

Continue reading