Roomspiration – Craft Rooms

Have you been following along and participation in the Roomspiration series?  Today it’s Craft Rooms hosted by Shan from

You MUST see her awesome craft room! It’s so organized and pretty and you’ll drool!

My craft room/office combo is actually in the works. I’m in the process of moving my office/craft room upstairs (to be able to close the door when it’s a disaster) and create a pretty guest bedroom downstairs. I just emptied this room:

Before (although the twin bed has been gone for about a year)

Now that room is completely empty.  When we moved in, we removed the gross carpet and just live(d) with plywood.

(cleaning out in progress…)
The mood board I created is intended for this room! 
And there wasn’t a door on the bathroom!  We added one soon after we moved in and it’s time to add trim to this side of the door frame. The opening on the right used to be a walk-through closet. It’s now our laundry room. (Another project one of these days!)
Okay – enough about the guest room! Back to the craft room!

Most of my craft junk has been moved into our unfinished family room.  It looks like this…YIKES!  Where does all that stuff come from?!!!
Just keeping it real!  The family room is another project on our DIY list.

However, here’s where what I’m keeping is all getting moved to, everything in it’s place…

I‘m not quite finished and it’s all just moving, re-organizing, sorting and purging and using things I already had into a room that didn’t need re-painted at this time.  I still have to move my sewing machine in here. Nothing new in the room but it really needed organized and downsized and I love the way just a new location with old t
hings feels fresh and new, don’t you?

See more real craft spaces and link up your own at Family Brings Joy.

Next up = dining rooms on Friday at Involving Color!

abode love: a man\View Along the Way
  Involving Color
{ All Things Bright and Beautiful }  Touch of Gray
The Blooming Hydrangea  The Mustard Ceiling
 The DIY Show Off


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There are still 9 more prizes of flooring for your home! Please vote for your favorite room at Shaw Floors!  Cassity/Remodelaholic and I (Roeshel/DIY Show Off) would LOVE your help with votes and comments!  Someone has to win – we’d love for it to be one of our friends!!  Good luck!

create solar hot water with solar energy products

Welcome Local Friends!

 The DIY Show Off
If you’ve landed here after reading our local newspaper, the Butler Eagle, welcome friends and neighbors! I am SO excited about today’s feature and hope to meet some local bloggers and friends who share our DIY passion! And if you’re a regular DIY Show Off reader, please bear with me while I welcome our new friends and introduce them to the DIY blogging community via my little space on the world wide web. I’m so excited about today’s local newspaper feature and glad that you’ve stopped by to check things out!  We’d love for you to subscribe via email to get the latest posts directly in your inbox or just pop over once in a while to say ‘hi’ and let us know about your DIY related projects!
As the article says, Russ and I have been journaling the progress of our home improvement renovations, DIY projects and decorating here at the DIY Show Off since we bought our home. We invite you to check out more:
Home Tour – we update this page frequently with before/after pictures of our home. We always have a project in the works but we DIY as time and money allow so we still have a long way to go! Welcome to our home.

Roeshel’s Projects – this link includes all of the posts to projects that are personally ours.  We feature projects from DIY Show Off readers as well where you can find lots of information in the archives!

Recent News:
DIY Fall Festival – The third annual DIY Fall Festival is published on Fridays and has links to other blogger’s creative DIY fall related projects.

Roomspiration – A blogger parade of homes of sorts.  Real rooms, real design, real budgets organized by Ange from The Blooming Hydrangea.

Good Mood Board – Master Bedroom Edition hosted by my design partner, Cassity from Remodelaholic.
30 Days of HGTV Home – Enter to win new flooring for your home every day in September! Visit and “like” Shaw on Facebook.  Click the 30 Days of Home tab (on the left side of Shaw’s Facebook wall).  Enter your email and vote for your favorite room to be entered!  The room Cassity and I designed is the third thumbnail image.  It’s the beachy/coastal cottage room.  We’d love your vote!

I was one of 10 bloggers invited to participate in designing a room around Shaw’s beautiful flooring. 

Read about my Shaw HGTV Home experience here:

Learn how you can get this look, here with more details and pictures.

31 Days of Hope coming up at the DIY Club where I participate with an amazing team of creative DIY bloggers.

Designer Ottoman Kit giveaway going on at the DIY Club also! I designed one and you can too!
I hope you’ll enjoy the creativity, DIY projects, introduce yourself and make some new friends! Thanks for stopping by!  I’d love to hear from you! In the meantime, here are the places that you might see us (Me, Bri & Alainee) hanging out locally:  St. Vincent de Paul, GoodWill, Salvation Army, Bergbigler’s, Cappy’s in Ford City, Target, TJ Maxx, Ross, Michael’s Joann’s and estate sales. 


DIY Ottoman, DIY Project Parade and Giveaway Alert!

Hello, DIY’ers!  How was your weekend?  Productive? Relaxing? Fun?  I hope all three! Show and tell time! I’ll go first. I’m still tweaking this catch all/entry area but having so much fun doing it.  See the ottoman below?  We built it! I’m linking up to

freckled laundry
Head over to see some gorgeous inspiration!

Remember when I mentioned we were building an ottoman and that I’d share the spot inside where we enter our home?  Well, here it is! It’s just a little nook for right now until we have a real front door (next year?) or until we save enough for Mr. DIY’s dream stand alone refrigerator and freezer, then this little nook in the kitchen goes away. But for now I love that we have a little space to sit comfortably, put on or take off shoes and dump everything when walking in the door. 
(Wow…construction in the kitchen creates dust. I thought I got it all!  I’ll be taking care of that refrigerator vent asap!)
Lalka is my shadow so she’s usually right where I want to snap pictures – diva kitty! 
The ottoman frame (everything except the feet and fabric actually) were provided by The Upholstery Studio. They have entire kits for DIY ottomans! That means, for this 24×26 ottoman, I only picked out the fabric and bun feet and the rest was all ready to be assembled with the assistance of detailed instructions and helpful video. Mr. DIY and I built this together with our own two hands.  Here’s a little of what we did:

Pre-dill holes

Glue and screw together the frame

Attach webbing
Add burlap

Glue down foam and cover wood with dacron.

Cover in batting

Cut fabric

and sew cover
Slip on cover and staple

Create welting 

Staple on welting
Cover up

Add feet 
It can be built in just a few hours although I recommend taking a few days…better to spread it out a little and take your time.  I’m so proud that we built it ourselves and I also learned some cool things along the way. Interesting bits that definitely help with future projects.  Super sturdy construction and bouncy comfy seating! It’s empowering – I feel like I could build an entire couch!  Well, you really wouldn’t want to see that but the entire learning process was very helpful for when re-upholstery skills are needed on a future thrift store find. The kit looks a little overwhelming at first because of all of the goodies packed inside, but it’s not hard. It was actually fun and more like a complete course in re-upholstery with everything needed to build the perfect accent piece that matches your style.  
I even had a blast designing the fabric myself at spoonflower. If it fits your style, you can purchase it too. Yep, add fabric designer to my list of DIY. Easy and exactly what I wanted…personal/cooking related and a little typography-looking but not girly or too kitchen-y.

Since it sits in our kitchen, I wanted to personalize it for the cook my husband. I really love that it’s exactly what I wanted for this space. I have plenty left to make some throw pillows or covers for bar stools or even valances.  I’m still undecided.

What do you think? Show of hands:  How many of you have an ottoman in your kitchen? ::crickets
::  Anyone?  🙂

And guess what?!  There’s a designer ottoman kit giveaway going on at the DIY Club right now!  Head over to enter to win a designer ottoman kit for yourself and also see how Cheri, Holly and Amy took their designer ottoman kit and created something that fits the style of their home too.  

Let’s see what’s been keeping you busy!

The DIY Show Off

1. You must use the button above (ADD BUTTON HTML CODE FROM SIDE BAR TO YOUR POST) and link to this post to share the linky love.

2.Include your name or blog name and project title. Add your permalink (not your blog url, but your DIY project post url). Feel free to link a Past Post, just invite your readers in a current post with a quick note.

3.Or email your link to and I will add it for you.

4.If you notice your link has disappeared -please add the link back to The DIY Show Off to your post today, a button or a quick note to your readers about the party and try again! I love when everyone participates and readers check out everyone’s links, but I think the return favor of linking back is the nice thing to do so everyone plays fair and enjoys all of the projects and links. Also – this blog party is for DIY projects only. Links not related to DIY will be deleted.

5.  NOW you can “like” the links!  What a fun idea!  Most liked links may be included in a post of DIY Project Parade highlights later in the week!

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I received the designer ottoman kit as a part of my participation in the DIY Club.  I did not receive compensation for building the ottoman and opinion and results are my own. 

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