Kitchen Makeover at Design Blooms

Oh my,  kitchen beauty.  I’m envious! My friend Nicole at Design Blooms has an amazing kitchen transformation to share.  

Here is her kitchen before:

And here is her do a double-take reveal:

Check out the cost breakdown! Wow! 
Great job as usual Nicole! Your outdated kitchen’s cosmetic 
surgery was a success! Love it!

There’s hope for our poor kitchen yet!  We finally agreed on paint colors.  Care to take a guess?  What do you get when Mr. DIY wants green walls and I want gray or white? 

Little Stool Steps Up

We have this little step stool that we use to reach higher cupboards in the kitchen or quickly sit to put shoes on.  It’s sort of boring…
Always looking for a way to spruce things up and a fun DIY project, I decided to give it a little makeover.  I love the MiniCards at  You can personalize a template or upload a complete design for both sides – so many cool uses.  I think creating personalized gift tags would be cool too but I couldn’t resist this cute ready made design:

Aspa Gika

First, using my Dremel Multi-Max, I sanded the entire stool.  This tool is awesome.  If your projects involve a lot of sanding – this thing reaches where a palm sander can’t.  See how it gets in the cut out on the top and in the corners? Love it!


Next, using X-O Rust spray paint in flat black (available at True Value), I gave the entire stool 2 coats.  This is a Paint + Primer and the coverage was awesome!  I’m sold.  No clog.  Even spray. I sprayed the bottom and sides first and once that was dried, flipped and sprayed the topside and where needed on the sides.
Now the fun Moo part!  I first laid my Moo MiniCards in a pattern on the top.  I had to trim some of them, shorten others to make it work. Then I moved the template (exactly as laid out on the stool top) onto the table.
Working in sections on the top, I applied a decoupage medium using a Rockler foam brush:
Beginning in a corner, I began applying the Moo MiniCards, pressing down with my finger/nail until secure in the decoupage glue.  Continue.  The MiniCards easily slide around into place, allowing for adjusting as you go.
Once all of the cards were in place and the top was covered, I let it dry for about an hour. 
Then I covered the entire top and all of the MiniCards with a coat of decoupage glue, let dry for 1-2 hours and repeated with another coat and let that one dry over night. 
I wanted it to be a little distressed, so using my Norton Sanding Bug, I sanded the edges of the legs and around the top:
Wipe down.  Using Deft Clear Wood Finish in High Gloss, I gave it thorough spray on the bottom first, let dry, then the top and sides to help protect and seal everything:
All done and we love it – Boring No More!  A little character now.  See the Deft High Gloss sheen?  It’s really not so glossy, but just perfect.

Here it is. This would be a fun project for ‘saving’ ruined tabletops/etc. too.  Or for decorating furniture for a nursery or playroom.  What do you think?  Moo + stool = milking cows?  We have a farmhouse but the barn is empty!  

Have an idea for a project (you’d qualify to enter the DIY Club Inc. contest too!) Use your own images/designs (just upload) or choose from the huge selection of ready made.
Need more incentive?  Moo is offering a 10% discount!
I was one of the bloggers selected by True Value to work on the DIY Squad. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program as well as my writing about my experience. I have also been compensated for the materials needed for my DIY project. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.

DIY Project Parade

I loooooove long weekends! It means trying to play catch up and fit in a bazillion projects. Productivity!  But, the project I want to share wasn’t done until tonight and I can’t get good pictures so I’ll post an update tomorrow.  However, if you’ve accomplished something DIY, please share! 

SHOW IT OFF!  What did you DIY lately?
The DIY Show Off

If you’d like to link YOUR DIY project post to The DIY Show Off Project Parade:
  1. You must use the button above and link to this post to share the linky love.
  2. Include your name or blog name and project title. Add your permalink (not your blog url, but your DIY project post url). Feel free to link a Past Post, just invite your readers in a current post with a quick note.
  3. Or email your link to and I will add it for you.
  4. If you notice your link has disappeared please add the link back to The DIY Show Off to your post today with a quick note to your readers about the party and try again! I love when everyone participates and readers check out everyone’s links, but I think the return favor of linking back is the nice thing to do so everyone plays fair and enjoys all of the projects and links. Also – this blog party is for DIY projects only. Links not related to DIY will be deleted. (If I see that you posted to the DIY Show Off Fall Festival with a non-fall related project, I’ve deleted it there and posted it here.  Thanks!)
Don’t forget to check out the side bar for the True Value SOS Design contest, the contest here to win $100 True Value gift card or mystery prize AND it’s time for the September party at the DIY Club Inc. so check to see if you’ve used one of the sponsor’s products lately.  If so, you qualify to win!  The prize is awesome!  I have them all listed on the left side bar.  Would love for a DIY Show Off reader to win those cool prizes!