Easter Succulent Garden

Take a moment to gather your thoughts, count your blessings and start the holiday weekend with a grateful heart.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~Romans 5:8
Blessings to all this Good Friday.

Remember that one time last year when I made a wire cloche for a succulent terrarium/garden? It’s a miracle! I haven’t managed to kill the plants! I love that succulents are so hardy, nearly fool-proof. Well, for Easter, I’ve done a little re-arranging in my little succulent garden. 

DIY wire succulent garden

{DIY wire cloche for succulent garden}

It’s still alive and thriving but it was looking a bit neglected and sad (okay, so some of the plants didn’t make it) but I took a few minutes to freshen it up for spring, trying to make up for my non-green thumb. I saw something similar somewhere one time but for the life of me, can’t find it now to properly credit that glimpse of inspiration. Here’s what I did: 

Easter succulent garden at diyshowoff.com

  • I added water so the soil was wet. I broke up the compacted soil with a fork then added half of an empty toilet paper roll. I covered it with soil and pebbles then added a rock to the side…just like Jesus’ tomb. 
  • Using twigs from my yard and scrap floral wire, I created 3 little stick crosses and tucked them near the back. 

succulent garden for Easter at diyshowoff.comEaster succulent terrarium at diyshowoff.comEaster succulent garden - diyshowoff.comHe is Risen succulent garden at diyshowoff.com

When Easter decorating becomes bunnies, eggs, chicks and candy overload (which I do love too, don’t get me wrong!). However, it’s important to have a sweet reminder of the true reason for celebrating Easter. He is risen! 

Jesus' tomb succulent garden at diyshowoff.com

 He is Risen, indeed. xo 

He is Risen! succulent garden at diyshowoff.com

 Update: Here are links to some more (thanks for sharing, Graziela!)

This post is sponsored by my Young Living business! Check out my essential oils page for more information on how you can get these amazing oils in your hands too along with helpful freebies, a gift from me, and tons of support:

April 2019:

Hello April DIYShowOff welcome bundle 2019

DIY Wire Cloche SucculentTerrarium

Succulents make for a great indoor/outdoor centerpiece. I’ve been using this wire cloche succulent garden as a centerpiece on our patio coffee table all summer. I love that it requires little maintenance. 

DIY wire succulent garden tutorial

DIY wire cloche succulent terrarium tutorial:

diy wire cloche succulent garden

Materials I used:

  1. Miracle Gro Cactus & Citrus Potting Soil
  2. Rustoleum Oil Rubbed Bronze Spray Paint
  3. Chicken Wire 
  4. Allen & Roth Round Serving Tray
  5. Pebbles
  6. Sand
  7. Finial
  8. Tools: Needle Nose Pliers & Wire Cutters
  9. Assorted Succulents
  10. Plastic Planter Liner
  11. Decorative Rocks & Accessories (not shown)

What I did:

In the plastic planter liner, I layered pebbles, sand and topped with the potting soil. Then planted the succulents and added decorative rocks. And placed the plastic planter liner into the round serving tray.

DIY succulent garden

I measured the diameter of the plastic planter liner and decided on the height of my wire cloche and using wire cutters, cut out my shape to create a cylinder to go around the terrarium.

DIY wire succulent garden tutorial

I cut the wire so that I’d have little wire “tabs” to secure the shape up along the side.

DIY wire succulent garden tutorial

To make the top (roof) of my wire cloche, I used a large round clock as a circle template (the biggest circle size I could cut from my chicken wire width) and cut using wire cutters.

DIY wire succulent garden tutorial

I cut a straight line to the center of the circle and created a ‘cone’ shape top for my terrarium and again used the small cut chicken wire tabs to secure my shape. Then I spray painted my cylinder and top.

DIY wire succulent garden tutorial

Once dry, I used an extra piece of wire (a twist tie will work) to attach a finial to the top. Glue and screws weren’t working so this takes some playing with, but the wire cloche is light so lifting it from the garden will be easy to do, even if it’s simply twisted in the chicken wire. 

DIY wire succulent garden tutorial

And using the same technique with ‘tab’ piece of wire from the cylinder, I attached the “cone” (sort of like a “roof”) to the cylinder.

DIY wire succulent garden tutorial

Then just slip the wire cloche over the terrarium.

DIY wire succulent garden

Here it is on the patio:

succulent patio garden

See more patio and outdoor projects in the DIY Show Off Project Gallery

And more fun DIY ideas at Lowe’s Creative Ideas, follow Lowe’s on InstagramPinterest and sign up for the Creative Ideas magazine and app.

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*Disclaimer: As a member of the Lowe’s Creative Ideas Creators and Influencers network, I received a Lowe’s gift card to complete a DIY terrarium project, however the tutorial images, instructions and opinions are my own. 

It’s a Spring Thing Link Party (and a Spring Terrarium)

While Mother Nature is taking care of bringing green back outdoors, I’m adding a little green to our indoor space. Now, I don’t have much of a green thumb but ever since I scored this beautiful Victorian-style terrarium/miniature greenhouse at an antique shop, I’ve been wanting to create a small fairy garden.

Materials: (with some affiliate links)


Putting it together: Because my terrarium base is a wooden tray, I kept my plants in individual containers. I started by lining the bottom of my terrarium with foil topped with moss. I potted the small house plants in pretty planters and placed them throughout my terrarium. Since my plants aren’t of the flowering variety, I added spring color with a floral pick from Jo-Ann Fabrics. Pebbles create a winding path. Then ‘decorated’ with my accessories. More terrarium tips here.


Aren’t the fairies sweet?


It’s not easy photographing glass. 🙁


Finally, I got to add the beautiful terrarium top…

Fairy Garden Terrarium

I keep the terrarium in our sitting room where it gets plenty of sun and do remember to water the plants about once a week and a month later – they’re still alive! Maybe I’ll be a gardener yet!

See more of my spring projects on the DIY Project Tutorial page


It’s no secret around here that I’m suffering from spring fever.

Joining the Easter Crafts & Spring Link Party at HoneyBearLane.

Thanks to Lana from Making a House a Home invited me to join the It’s a Spring Thing series. It’s a Spring Thing!

Join these blog friends for It’s a Spring Thing party! Here’s the schedule:

clay_driftwood_candlesticks by Merry Pad

  • This week: Share your spring projects HERE (below)!
  • March 19th: Lana at Making a House A Home – wonder what it will be?
  • March 26th: Kim at Design Thoughts – can’t wait to see!
  • April 2nd: We’ll each be sharing Spring Favorites/Highlights from our parties.


What are you working on? Share your spring projects (from now until the end of March) in the party below.


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