Hey friends! I hope you don’t mind a little proud grandma bragging every now and then because I can’t resist the temptation. It’s going to happen. He’s just so perfect! Babies are such a blessing! I had no idea being a grandma would be the best.thing.ever! I’d like to officially introduce you to Aaro:

(birth announcement inspiration source)
Mom and baby are doing well. My little girl is all grown up. ::insert group hug:: Babies are so precious, aren’t they?! I’m hoping he gets to spend a lot of quality time with grandma. Aaro was born with a birth defect known as bilateral congenital talipes equinovarus. That sounds scarier than it is. It’s the official medical term for club foot in both feet. A lot of doctor visits, lots of casting, special shoes, a brace/bar, maybe a surgery but something very treatable/fixable. Ali (mommy) and I may be creating a little blog to document the treatment process in an effort to help other families facing the same journey along with his progress.
In the meantime, I see lots of baby-related DIY (i.e. spoiling) in my near future…if I can put him down. 😉