Good bye winter! Arrivederci! Helloooooo Spring, my long lost pal! Welcome! Sunshine is the best medicine and am I every ready! How about you?

It’s beginning to look a lot like Spring! Finally! Can I get an “amen”?! I’m so in love with the longer days, the sunshine and warmer temps. It’s motivation for Spring cleaning and decluttering, refreshing and creativity! Right? Same for you? Let’s take a walk down memory lane and look at some past DIYShowOff Spring decorating projects:
Spring floral centerpiece – I love fresh flowers and I think it’s the perfect time to grab a bouquet from the grocery store. Split it up into several smaller fresh bouquets for a spring touch bedside, on the bathroom vanity and desktop but a new silk/faux arrangement for the dining room table lasts longer! Bonus: Zero maintenance.

How about a fun spring craft project? Gather up some friends, finger foods, a fresh essential oil infused water bar and get creative with a Spring succulents arrangement – succulents in robins’ eggs…what cuties!

Think ahead! April showers bring May flowers. This would be a fun spring fling get-together too! Put that Silhouette or Circuit to good use! Decorate your Rain Boots – personalize with vinyl!

Spring entertaining – it’s almost time for outdoor gatherings! My dog is already asking for me to move her cushion to the sunlight streaming through the French doors. lol! I can’t wait to be out on the patio.

Do you decorate for the change in seasons? Spring mantel – this past mantelscape had so much charm, didn’t it? It’s been a while since I’ve decorated my mantel for Spring but I’m working on one for this year. Check back with me next week. The studio could use a bit of Spring bling!

Spring break is coming up! Freshen up the guest room with some Spring accents. Check out this Spring bloom pillow cover tutorial. So cute!

Create a pretty Spring floral arrangement, add some French accents for a SpringTime in Paris vignette. I’ve never been. Have you? Tell me all about it! Romantic? Inspiring? This is as close as I’m getting for a while.
SpringTime in Paris

Harsh winter ice storms and high winds brought down a TON of branches here in our yard. Time to whip up an easy Spring branch centerpiece! Seriously! This is about the EASIEST DIY ever! Grab a twig or branch from the yard and give it a coat of spray paint. Add a mini-nest and some eggs. Cheap! Cheap!

Not convinced to browse the floral aisle at your local craft store yet?

Here’s another Spring centerpiece – add a twist. I love this artichoke nestled in there. Butterflies, birds, nests, lemons. Try adding a fun unexpected element to keep it interesting!

SPRING into essential oils!
Is what you put into your body important to you? Me too! ‘m pretty sure by now that you’ve heard a lot about essential oils, right? ::groan:: and ::eye roll:: <— that was my initial reaction too! lol! What IS all the fuss about? It’s not something new. It’s not just something trendy. It’s all about living about the wellness line and supporting our body systems. It’s about surrounding yourself with less toxins and creating a chemical free home.


Spring scents: ditch the chemical filled synthetic fragrances and breathe in some fresh air!

Spring Cleaning!
Ditch & Switch! This bottle of Thieves Household Cleaning is AH-MAZING! We use it on every surface. It smells good, doesn’t have the harsh chemicals and does an awesome job! There’s a sample packet that makes two 16 oz. spray bottles included in the premium starter kit. Bonus! You will LOVE it!

So grateful someone shared with me: When I first heard, I thought it was some temporary popular trend and I tuned it out. la-la-la-la-la!!!!!! But nearly 4 years ago on a blogging retreat, two of my blog buddies shared essential oils with me…I have a bit of an issue with traveling which causes some uncomfortable side effects (TMI! you don’t want to know) and the essential oil shared made all the difference!! If it worked for that, how else? In my world at the time, my mom and sister were going through treatments for breast cancer. I was ready and open to making healthier choices. Baby steps. Just starting somewhere.
You guys, I’ve had 6 family members diagnosed with cancer in SIX years! This has to stop!
Essential oils have been around FOREVER and I know that lately they’re ALL THE HYPE but I believe it’s because word of mouth spreads faster these days via social media. They aren’t new. And specifically, Young Living has been around going on 30 years! I was still practically a child (and I’m a grandma now!). That’s not anything bright and shiny and just born. And “Young Living” is THE BRAND everyone wants. Because guess what? Not all essential oils are created equal! What I really love about Young Living is their Seed to Seal Guarantee. They aren’t just buying from a supplier and slapping on a label. Young Living controls the process of planting, harvesting, distilling, bottling, labeling and shipping from their own farms and partner farms from around the world with high standards and lots of testing. In fact,
Young Living is the #1 essential oils company in the world. I am confident that I am getting the best quality essential oil. One other quick point about Young Living…unlike buying a cheap oil from Amazon or WalMart or even TJMaxx (be aware: even a label with 100% pure doesn’t mean that’s the case), I love that I have support, resources and testimonials from personal experiences to help guide me on my oily journey. I’ve never had to work about my health but now I’m empowered to research, to learn more and to embrace wellness. When someone tells me they tried an essential oil and it didn’t work, I’m pretty sure they tried a fragrance or lower grade, not the quality of Young Living essential oils.
Seasons Changing:
Spring brings about some seasonal changes. Be prepared!

SPRING is all about renewal and growth. It’s a GREAT time to get started on a wellness journey! Young Living is running a …
Flash Sale!
While supplies last, you can snag this beautiful essential oils Premium Starter Kit valued at over $300, regularly priced $165 for $144 AND get $10 cash back from DIYShowOff!

Already have essential oils from another brand? Essential oils just not your thing just yet? Then check out the beautiful Savvy Minerals Makeup collection for a fresh new Spring & Savvy face! It’s lightweight with clean ingredients!

How? Just go to Be sure that my member#1836762 is in the enroller and sponsor spots, choose your Premium Starter Kit and you’re all set! Want recommendations for more or to learn how you can get free products with your order? Contact me for more info and I can walk you through the sign up process.
I’m excited for you to join an amazing oily family filled with so much love and support and fun! Can’t wait!
*This blog is sponsored by DIYShowOff & Young Living Essential Oils (Independent Distributor). The information on this blog is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
***Be sure to make your purchase at using the enroller/sponsor#1836762 to qualify for DIYShowOff welcome bundle, incentives and gifts.
How are you freshening up your home for Spring?