I received so many positive comments about my painted floor but when painting a floor isn’t an option, Chantel from Haas Home has come up with a very inspiring idea. Here is her blog post:
old, but new…zebra rug
I got this old rug for free, it was a boring cream color and since I had always wanted a zebra rug, I decided THIS was the day to make it!
Tools needed:
old rug
pattern, in this case a generic zebra pattern to reference
masking tape
black spray paint
watered down black acrylic paint
watered down cream acrylic paint
PS I painted this outside, since I am prone to make messes 🙂
DIY Steps:
1. Measure 4 inches in from the edge of the rug on all sides, use masking tape and tape a straight line.
2. spray paint a black border, make sure to cover the inside of the rug, so that you don’t spray paint where your zebra stripes are suppose to be. Let dry for an hour, till dry.
(see below)
I simply eyeballed this part from my generic zebra pattern that I used as a reference, remember that in the wild all zebras have unique and different patterns, so don’t worry about being perfect.
3. Use your watered down black acrylic paint, mark where the middle of the rug is and start painting stripes! I would do a stripe at a time, first the right and then the left. Let dry for an hour or so.
4. After your black stripes are done and dry, I went back and highlighted some areas with a light cream colored acrylic paint.
5. Let dry and remove masking tape!
(see below)
Chantel! It’s stunning! You did an amazing job, making it look so easy. I love it! Thanks for the helpful tips too!
Good Morning. I have been super busy and have really missed your blog! What a great rug. She did an amazing job. These girls are so talented. They always amaze and inspire me. Glad to be back. Have a great day!
Are you serious?! That is too gorgeous!!! I'm now on the prowl for a rug to paint. Thanks for sharing.
God's blessings,
Sarah 😀
That turned out amazing!
perf! addin' it to my To Do list!!!
what a crazy coincidence! I wanted a zebra accent pillow, and just bought a white one and painted it!!
Looks great!
I did a similar project here
and I was afraid to use/couldn't find an actual rug, so I used heavy duck cloth and made a floor cloth!
I've always wondered about painting a rug…, kind of still do. How does it feel. Is it still soft? Does it last? It looks great though!
You did that by eye?!?! Seriously?!?! You amaze me! Great job, beautiful rug.
That is awesome! I'm always scared of painting rugs for fear of totally messing up, but this is great. Maybe I won't be so scared next time.
WOW! Love it!
Thanks for the comments & well wishes, & for the DIY party each week. So inspirational!
That is awesome! Love it!
thanks for all the great feedback!
here are a couple answers to the above comments;
1.The rug texture didn't change much after I painted it(initially it's a little bit harder, but it softens quickly), since I used thin watered-down acrylic paint. I have to add that the rug was rather worn to start out with, so maybe that makes a difference.
2.I've had this rug for a couple years now and it's faded a little bit, but I think it almost makes it look more authentic 🙂
3.Since this rug was free, I just 'went for it' and I found that as long as I painted one stripe(first right, then left, starting at the middle) it wasn't that difficult.
hope this helps, have fun and create!
Thanks so much for the tutorial! I shared your awesome rug and link on my post re: painted rugs 🙂 Love your painted rug! I featured it on my site! http://diyordont.blogspot.com/2011/05/tutorial-diy-painted-rug.html
Hello! im dying to try painting an old area rug that i have. Its literally been sitting under the carport for a month and i keep saying "tomorrow its going to the curb" but now it has a purpose! lol. i dont want to paint my "good" rugs just yet until i've perfected the art of rug painting! lol. my question is- what type of spray paint do i need to use? just any kind or is there a specific kind i should look for? thanks!
Belove – I only featured the rug that Chantel from http://jchaas.blogspot.com/ did, I haven't done it myself. You can try asking her (although I see she hasn't blogged in a few months with the arrival of her new little one). If I come across anything helpful, I'll let you know! 🙂
Good luck! I'd love to see it! You have me thinking-I do have an old rug too!
oh ok! i guess i misunderstood…im new to this whole blogging and craft world…. lol. i guess i wasn't paying enough attention to see that you weren't the one who actually did it…lol…. good luck if you try painting your old rug!!! i have mine laid out in the kitchen right now…just waiting until i don't have little furry feet running around in my way to get it all taped off so i can begin! i'm excited!!! 😀