that diy link party

That DIY Party time!

Time for a new week of sharing do-it-yourself projects and That DIY Party!

That DIY Party

This week has been busy like most as Mr. DIY finished up the brick patio/path under the grape arbor gazebo. More to come on that as we consider landscaping ideas for around the path. Today he’s working on creating a pulley system for roll up tarp doors on the wood shed. We’re also getting ready to start a laundry room makeover (finally!).

DIY Show Off weekly recap:

Today, 8/25 is the last day to enter YOUR laundry room in the Samsung Best Dressed Laundry Room Makeover. I’ll be judging and with a laundry room makeover in our very near future, I can use some inspiration!

Samsung Best Dressed Laundry Room

Russ shared one of my all time favorite dinner recipes. I have to say he’s all excited about the 3 comments that post received. If you have a chance, check out/pin his tumeric rice and tandoori chicken recipe, give it a try or leave a comment. You’ll make his day. It’s soooo good! 

Tumeric Rice and Tandoori Chicken

Many of you have been keeping my sister in your prayers. Thank you! She is hanging in there. I recently made her a cute iron-on monogramed t-shirt using pink camo patterned vinyl…

Iron On Vinyl t-shirt Tutorial at

DIY Highlights: Every week I pin nearly every party link and share a few favorites in a DIY feature post. The previous week was filled with so much DIY inspiration


PIN! Remember to pin from the original source. Head over to the Pinterest board for That DIY Party to easily re-pin the creative linked up ideas!


Party time: Now let’s see what you’ve been up to!

DIY Show Off

<div align="center"><a href="" title="DIY Show Off"><img src="" alt="DIY Show Off" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

1. Please use the button above or text and link to this post to share the linky love. Here is the link: 

2. This blog linky party is for DIY projects only. Links not related to DIY will be deleted. Please share your link one week only.  Please do not link recipes, giveaways, linky parties, promotions or a collection of inspiration that isn’t your own DIY project. PLEASE DO NOT LINK TO YOUR ETSY SHOP. 

3. By joining the party, you give permission for your project to be featured and ‘shown off’ via blog highlight, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, G+.

4. If you’ve been featured, feel free to proudly display a DIY Show Off “I’m Featured Button” found here

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