DIY Fall Festival and 31 Days of Spooktacular

The DIY Show Off

Hi friends!  I’m Coley over at What You Make It and am thrilled to be joining you for the DIY Fall Festival.  What better day to be a guest poster?  After all, fall is my favorite time of year! Who doesn’t like vibrant colored leaves, pumpkin pie lattes, and cozy sweaters?


At the start of September I begin covering every inch of my home, interior and exterior, with autumn decor.  The aroma of pumpkins, apples, and squash fill my home and my open-toed shoes are put into storage. By October, my party menu is finalized and I’m jumping for joy with anticipation for our Halloween party.  


Because of the fact that I am so neurotic about this holiday and that there are endless creative Halloween-related projects out there, I started a 31 Day Spooktacular Series on my blog.  That’s right, 31 posts about Halloween and the best season ever! Recipes, tutorials, guest posts, and costume ideas… anything to get you in the spirit.

So far, I have posted a few DIY projects like these specimen jars
these free Halloween printables (that look amazing in vintage frames)…

 adorable acorn bites
There are a ton of posts coming up (23 more to be exact)  that will give you even more inspiration. I would LOVE for you to join me!

Thanks for letting me share with you today!
I can’t wait to sit down with a hot cup of cinnamon tea, wrap myself in a fuzzy blanky, and look over your DIY Fall Festival link-ups.  Everyday I’m amazed at the creativity out there on blog-land 🙂
The DIY Show Off


•Create a blog post about an Autumn/Fall project that YOU HAVE CREATED. Feel free to include a past link, however please make a note on a recent post about the DIY Fall Festival to invite everyone over to join in or to search the collection of fall inspired ideas.

•Add your project title to Linky party below.  (example: House # Pumpkins)

•Type in the permalink address, not your basic blog address. A permalink is the address that links directly to your specific post. (example:

•Please add the DIY button or link to the party in your post to share the party with your readers.

•Although a tutorial is helpful, it’s not required. It just must be your project.  Please only link up same project once to one party.

•If you notice that you’re link disappeared, please make the correction according to the rules above and re-link!

• By adding your link, you give the DIY Show Off permission to highlight your project in a future post. Enjoy and be inspired!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thank you, Coley for guest blogging today!  🙂  Coley is the creative and talented blog author at 
What You Make it...
Don’t forget to check out Coley’s 31 Days of Spooktacular event for some amazing Halloween fun!

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Project Sneak Peek

This isn’t much of a blog post today, just a sneak peek.  I was up late last night, up early today and working hard to finish the guest room within my ambitious one week time-frame. I am feeling every bit of my 41-year-old self with aches and pains from a crazy DIY work out but let’s ignore that. I can do this!  🙂 

Here’s the original design/idea board: I still don’t have a dresser, so that just might not be happening by Monday. I did find some other amazing thrifty finds yesterday during a quick trip to a semi-annual HUGE yard sale with the coolest things though.  I’ll share those soon. 
Here’s a sneak peek of the project I’m currently working on and that I’m just about finished with (woo hoo for progress!)…
(more details coming soon!)

Have a great day!!!

Please don’t forget to vote for your favorite room and enter to win new flooring for your home! It’s the last two days! Enter to win today and tomorrow by voting (hopefully for room #3, coastal cottage/beach themed by Cassity and Roeshel)! We’d LOVE (and need) your help! Thanks! Good luck!

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Roomspiration – Nurseries

There is no need for a nursery in our home but that doesn’t mean I don’t like looking at them and wishing my girls were little babies again.  
If I had a little precious princess, her sweet room would be Restoration Hardware inspired using a soft pretty color palette…
It’d be filled with pretty and personal details…
My little boy would have a vintage or rustic themed nursery like these…
Here are a few of the nurseries I’ve featured over the past couple of years.  Sweet and inspiring real rooms by decorated by blog friends. Go ahead, pin these. These ladies deserve recognition for beautiful, inspiring magazine-worthy nurseries.  
IMG_7712 edit
But making baby gifts is as close as I get…
Do you have a real nursery to share?  Head over to a la Mode and link up or pop over to view real baby rooms in real homes. Shelli has the most precious nursery!


Linking up at this fun regular baby/kid party hosted by Nan:


abode love: a man\View Along the Way
  Involving Color
{ All Things Bright and Beautiful }  Touch of Gray
The Blooming Hydrangea  The Mustard Ceiling
 The DIY Show Off

There’s still time to enter to win new flooring for a room in your home!  Imagine new hardwood or carpet or even a beautiful area rug!  Go to Shaw’s Facebook page at  Like them, enter your email/info and vote for your favorite room! I designed room #3 with my design partner, Cassity from Remodelaholic and we’d LOVE and need your help!  Good luck!
Enter to win a Shaw area rug – winner’s choice of design AND size (even 9×12!)

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