That DIY Party

Hello, DIY friends! I’m hoping you’re enjoying a lovely weekend, staying cool and picnicking with family and friends. It’s That DIY Party time! 


DIYShowOff weekly recap: We had some technical difficulties this past week so you may have missed this! Pop over to show some love to my daughter, Evangeline from The Lunar Fae, who shared a guest post on decorating with air plants…awesome ideas and beautiful photos! 

decorating with airplants #thelunarfae @diyshowoff decorating with airplants #thelunarfae @diyshowoff decorating with airplants #thelunarfae @diyshowoff

Party time: Show off your hard work, creativity and DIY! 


1. Please use the button above or text and link to this post to share the linky love. Here is the link:

2. This blog linky party is for YOUR DIY projects only. Links not related to DIY will be deleted. Please share your link one week only. Please do not link giveaways, linky parties, promotions or a collection of inspiration that isn’t your own DIY project. Limit recipes to one per person per party. PLEASE DO NOT LINK TO YOUR ETSY SHOP.

3. By joining the party, you give permission for your project to be featured and ‘shown off’ via blog highlight, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, G+.

4. If you’re here to share your DIY and link up or just browse the links for DIY inspiration, please consider visiting one of the links above to or leaving a comment to let me know what you think about my DIY too! Feedback makes my day! Thank you so much for your support!

5. If you’re viewing in mobile, you may need to click over/convert to “desktop view” to see the links.

6. Limit three links per week per blogger per party, please. Thank you!

That DIY Party

That DIY Party time!


Two years ago today, I made a decision that changed our lives. You can be the change! There are people making this world a better place. Join the community of people making a difference that are living healthy lives and detoxing their homes. See what we are up to HERE.

See the good in the world @diyshowoff

Show off your hard work, creativity and DIY! 

1. Please use the button above or text and link to this post to share the linky love. Here is the link:

2. This blog linky party is for YOUR DIY projects only. Links not related to DIY will be deleted. Please share your link one week only. Please do not link giveaways, linky parties, promotions or a collection of inspiration that isn’t your own DIY project. Limit recipes to one per person per party. PLEASE DO NOT LINK TO YOUR ETSY SHOP.

3. By joining the party, you give permission for your project to be featured and ‘shown off’ via blog highlight, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, G+.

4. If you’re here to share your DIY and link up or just browse the links for DIY inspiration, please consider visiting one of the links above to or leaving a comment to let me know what you think about my DIY too! Feedback makes my day! Thank you so much for your support!

5. If you’re viewing in mobile, you may need to click over/convert to “desktop view” to see the links.

6. Limit three links per week per blogger per party, please. Thank you!

That DIY Party

It’s that DIY Party time again! Time to share your creative crafts, home improvement and home decor projects!


1. Please use the button above or text and link to this post to share the linky love. Here is the link:

2. This blog linky party is for YOUR DIY projects only. Links not related to DIY will be deleted. Please share your link one week only. Please do not link giveaways, linky parties, promotions or a collection of inspiration that isn’t your own DIY project. Limit recipes to one per person per party. PLEASE DO NOT LINK TO YOUR ETSY SHOP.

3. By joining the party, you give permission for your project to be featured and ‘shown off’ via blog highlight, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, G+.

4. If you’re here to share your DIY and link up or just browse the links for DIY inspiration, please consider visiting one of the links above to or leaving a comment to let me know what you think about my DIY too! Feedback makes my day! Thank you so much for your support!

5. If you’re viewing in mobile, you may need to click over/convert to “desktop view” to see the links.

6. Limit three links per week per blogger per party, please. Thank you!