Meet: Mary from

Like me, Mary has a neglected master bedroom. She decided that while her husband was away, she’d sneak in a surprise mini makeover. It might be a mini-makeover but the result is HUGE.
This is what her master bedroom looked like before.
Mary says that when they moved in, they placed the furniture and walked away. Does this look at all familiar? Inspired by DIY headboards all over the internet, Mary set out to DIY her own. She used Home Depot stocks 6′ long pre-cut boards for about $5.50 a piece. It took six boards that she stained then screwed them to the wall using a course drywall screw.
They also needed some lighting changes, so she picked up these nightstand lights as well as the ceiling fan and called a very generous friend to come install them last-minute.
…including this super-cool motorcycle statue that she couldn’t resist for my husband’s side of the bed. Super cute!
To keep things practical, she used books that her husband actually reads topped with a couple vintage, old-looking books. (great tip, Mary!)
And finally, she purchased this rug to frame out the space and add a little texture and dimension.
Isn’t it beautiful? Just some quick DIY and accessories and a completely new look! Awesome, Mary! See more from Mary at Because I Like to Decorate.
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