Kids’ Closet Project

Hello! I’m Christina from No. 29 Design. Thank you so much to Roeshel for asking me to guest post. I’ve very honored since I’m still a newborn in blogland! I thought I’d share with you a project I’ve been working on and am happy to say it is done!

No. 29 Design
My boys closet got stripped of it doors a while back to make room for the Ikea Expedit I put inside. It has freed up the rest of the room to fit in two twin beds as well as plenty of play space. It stays organized and all those bins hold clothes and some toys. All in all it works great, except for the top. I can’t take the bar down which holds the clothes on either side. Seeing everything stored on the top shelf of the closet does not make me happy. I’d put more “stuff” but then I’d see that too, so I’m limiting my storage capability.

Numbered Drop Cloth Napkins by It All Started with Paint

I’m excited — and honored — to bring this post to you from The DIY Showoff.  Roeshel has so generously opened up her blog to guest posts – and has even given me two opportunities to feature my projects.  Thank you so much Roeshel!Now on to the post …You may or may not know that I’m obsessed with numbers.  If not, here’s a quick refresher of numbered things in- and out- side of our home … 

 Numbered Steps.Porch.closeup (2) (600x450)Porch Pillows Indoors (600x450) (2)Numbers Powder Room (600x450)Numbers Back Porch (600x450) 
When I landed on an image a few months ago showing off a table setting with numbered napkins, I knew I needed to make these for our home.  And then make some more to sell on my ‘in-the-works’ etsy shop …

No. Napkins Final Close Up (550x413) (2)

… and a plan took shape in the form of iron-on transfer numbered napkins made from drop cloth fabric … Painter’s drop cloth as fabric is my newest obsession.  It’s cheap. It’s washable. It’s easy to tear into perfectly straight lines.  I like the natural color, but it can be bleached lighter or even dyed — like I did for my fall wreath.Here’s what I did …1. Machine wash and dry drop cloth.  I purchased mine from Menards.  It cost just under $15.00 for a 4’ x 15’ drop cloth.2. Create mirror image numbers and print on transfer paper (I have an ink jet printer but mistakenly used paper made for a laser printer.  It was a mistake that worked in my favor because the images transfer to the fabric without that annoying film border.  It comes out a bit grainy and aged – but honestly, I like that look …)

DSCN3417 (550x413)3. I cut the drop cloth fabric into 22” x 22” squares, allowing for a 1” seam allowance around the border …No. Napkins Measured (550x413) (2)Here’s a tip that guarantees a straight line:  cut a small slit in the drop cloth and then tear …No. Napkins 2 (550x413) (2)No. Napkins Rip (550x413) (2)
 4. Double fold over a 1/2” inch and pin.  The drop cloth frays easily so the double fold will make it much more durable for frequently washed fabric napkins.
  No. Napkins Pinned (550x413) (2)No. Napkins Pinned All (550x413) (2)
 Here’s a quick ‘pic-tutorial’ on how I pinned the corners …No. Napkins Corner 1 (550x413) (2)No. Napkin Corner 2 (550x413) (2)No. Napkin Corner 3 (550x413) (2)No. Napkin Corner 4 (550x413) (2)
 5.  Sew … and since I’m a glutton for punishment, I sewed a double seam to ensure greater durability …No. Napkins Sewing (550x413) (2)No. Napkins Sewing 2 (550x413) (2)
 6.  Now it’s time to transfer the mirror-image numbers … (check back soon for my ‘screen cap’ tutorial on how to make mirror image text and numbers in a Microsoft Word document).No. Napkins Transfer (550x413) (2)No. Napkins Transfer 3 (550x413) (2)
 … the transfer paper I used comes out a bit grainy, but I really like that aged look on the drop cloth canvas …No. Napkins Iron (550x413) (2)No. Napkins Iron Transfer (550x413) (2)… and the finished product …
 No. Napkins 12 (550x413) (2)No. Napkins 6 (550x413) (2)No. Napkins 1 5 9 again (550x413) (2)No. Napkins 1 5 9 (550x413) (2)No. Napkins 1 5 9 more too (550x413) (2)No. Napkins 1 5 9 too (550x413) (2)… is ready for dinner …image

Thanks so much for sharing your creativity, Linda. You and your projects are amazing! I want these so I either see a project in my future…unless you get that in the works etsy shop up and running!  Can’t wait!

I‘m hanging out here today with Lisa…
Crafty Christmas
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