DIY ShowOff & Share

DIY ShowOff & Share

Helloooo, DIY friends! Happy New Year! New Year, new link party name! It’s DIY ShowOff & Share time! Show off your creativity by linking up below, browse the links for inspiration for your next DIY AND make some new to you talented blog friends! This weekly link party still begins each Sunday morning at 8 a.m. EST and runs through Friday at 11 p.m. EST. I love getting to know you and seeing what you’ve been up to. I also love pinning favorite ideas for inspiration and will be creating a new board just for DIY ShowOff & Share favorites! 

DIY ShowOff & Share



DIYShowOff weekly recap:

You may have noticed my absence. #life Turns out, I wound up being out of town more than I was home in December with our Jamaican vacation, the holidays, an unplanned trip to Vegas and then my MacBook decided to poop out and was sent away for repairs but … new year, new goals and I’m finally back to work! 

Happy New Year

In case you missed it, I did manage a holiday tour of the #helloredreno studio and now it’s time to pack it all up and refresh the space and get back to work on the renovation. 

wellness inspired living Christmas

New year, new goals, new you! Time to make a change towards a healthier lifestyle! I’m blessed to be a part of a community that’s been life-changing for our family. When a couple of blog friends shared Young Living with me, I had no idea how that would spark healthier lifestyle changes and steps towards a healthier chemical free home. I can’t imagine what my life would look like if they hadn’t (pretty toxic!) – so I’m can’t help but pay it forward by sharing with others. Not only the lifestyle changes, that I look and feel better than I ever have, I’m a part of a close knit community of like-minded blog friends AND if you haven’t considered a network marketing career, girlfriend, we need to chat because that income opportunity exceeds blogging income and has really inspired some personal development and amazing relationships. I’d love for you to welcome you into our circle of friends! 

new year new you

Simply comment below if you’d like more information. It’s not JUST essential oils, it’s close friends, chemical free products – cleaning, skin care, personal care, supplements, pet care, kids’ collection, a baby line, dental care, a soon to be released essential oil infused CBD oil and so much more and my friends and I can’t wait to get to know you better! Get started today —-> new year, new you! You may even recognizes a few of our common blog friends from Making Lemonade, FieldStoneHill Designs, My Blessed Life, Decor Chick, The Inspired Room and so many more! Join us!  

Visit Wellness Inspired Living on Facebook! We’re hosting an online New Year to Wellness class. Check out the event page!

wellness inspired living

Party time: 

Let’s get this DIY ShowOff & Share party started already!

DIY ShowOff & Share

1. Please use the button above or text and link to this post to share the linky love. Here is the link:

2. This blog linky party is for YOUR DIY projects only and YOUR IMAGES ONLY. Links not related to DIY will be deleted. Please share your link one week only. Please do not link giveaways, linky parties, promotions or a collection of inspiration that isn’t your own DIY project.

3. By joining the party, you give permission for your project to be featured and ‘shown off’ via blog highlight, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, G+. (Note: When pinning favorites, I prefer that you have a Pin button on your image or a Pinterest sharing button on your post.

4. If you’re here to share your DIY and link up or just browse the links for DIY inspiration, please consider visiting one of the links above to or leaving a comment to let me know what you think about my DIY too! Feedback makes my day! Thank you so much for your support!

5. If you’re viewing in mobile, you may need to click over/convert to “desktop view” to see the links.

6. Limit three links per week per blogger per party, please. Thank you!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

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