DIY Fall Festival (and Roomspiration – Dining Rooms)

The DIY Show Off
Jena from Involving Color is kicking off Roomspiration – Dining Room edition today. She’s the perfect host for the dining room edition. She has a gorgeous inspiring dining room!  With the DIY Fall Festival falling on the same day as Roomspiration – dining rooms, I dug out some fall decor and made the dining room mantel and buffet festive.

I’m also linking up to
Mantels at

The Lettered Cottage
A great place for Fall inspiration! 

I used a mix of traditional fall colors and added a bit of blue. I want to do something different for a centerpiece next week but for now, I’m working with what I could find in my stash of autumn.
Dining Room Mantel
The “pumpkins” are  .59 thrift store balls of yarn. 
 The pine cone candle holders are new.
Buffet (old vintage dresser)
More shots of our dining room. 
This wall before had an ugly door without character when we bought our home. 
Barn door track was a $30 Craig’s List find.  Glass door is original to the house, found in the barn.
Mantel is also original to our house, stored up in the barn rafters for years.
Just for fun, this was our dining room when we bought our home…
This is our dining room today. Quite a change! What we did:  Tore down ceiling tiles and put up dry wall ceiling, changed out light fixture (to be changed again one of these days), ripped out carpet and sanded/refinished pine planks and now new distressed wide plant bamboo flooring has been installed, swapped out ugly door for prettier one and changed the door trim to matching wider trim and of course – painted.  🙂

What do you think?  Do you decorate using traditional colors or do your own thing?

Link up! Inspire me! FALL DIY and decorating ONLY please!
The DIY Show Off
Let’s see your DIY fall projects! Show off!


•Create a blog post about an Autumn/Fall project that YOU HAVE CREATED. Feel free to include a past link, however please make a note on a recent post about the DIY Fall Festival to invite everyone over to join in or to search the collection of fall inspired ideas.

•Add your project title to Linky party below.  (example: House # Pumpkins)

•Type in the permalink address, not your basic blog address. A permalink is the address that links directly to your specific post. (example:

•Please add the DIY button or link to the party in your post to share the party with your readers.

•Although a tutorial is helpful, it’s not required. It just must be your project.  Please only link up same project once to one party.

•If you notice that you’re link disappeared, please make the correction according to the rules above and re-link!

• By adding your link, you give the DIY Show Off permission to highlight your project in a future post. Enjoy and be inspired!
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See the all and the latest Fall linky party at

The DIY Show Off

Remember to stop over to Involving Color to see some beautiful REAL dining room links!

Linking up here this week:  Tickled Pink at 504 Main  

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