Oh! THAT DIY Party at diyshowoff.com

That DIY Party time!

Welcome to the weekend, my DIY home loving friends! It’s That DIY Party time! Time for sharing DIY projects and creative ideas!

That DIY Party link party at diyshowoff.com

DIYShowOff weekly recap: Dear Readers, Have I told you lately how much your visits, your comments, your encouragement and friendships mean to me? Even it we’ve never met face to face, your support is always, always so appreciated. I am blessed! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your projects! It was a slow in regards to blog posts this week. Cancer recently feels like an epidemic in our family with 4 family members diagnosed in the past couple of years. My uncle lost his battle with metastatic kidney cancer last week. Heartbreaking. Much too young. It’s one of the top reasons for a life-changing decision and opportunity to make healthier choices when it comes to what we’re consuming, our home, our personal environment. I invite you to take a look and please, email me if you have questions or want more information—–>here. (Visiting via tablet? Scroll down after clicking.) No obligation. No “selling”. I’m super passionate about sharing something that can help others too. 

I did manage a fun small project – super cute for summer: DIY sisal rope/terra-cotta succulent planters.  

DIY succulent planter tutorial - diyshowoff.com

Reminder: Have you used FrogTape recently? The annual Earn Your Stripes™ painting contest is taking place right now!!! Grand prize is $5,000.00!! I’d LOVE for a DIYShowOff reader to win! Imagine what you can do with $5000! Since I can’t enter, I hope you will! I’ll be participating in the judging! Enter here: https://promotions.frogtape.com/earn-your-stripes/

FrogTape Earn Your Stripes

Time to party: Let’s see what you’ve been up to! 

That DIY Party link party at diyshowoff.com

1. Please use the button above or text and link to this post to share the linky love. Here is the link: https://diyshowoff.com/category/other/that-diy-party/. 

2. This blog linky party is for YOUR DIY projects only. Links not related to DIY will be deleted. Please share your link one week only.  Please do not link recipes, giveaways, linky parties, promotions or a collection of inspiration that isn’t your own DIY project. PLEASE DO NOT LINK TO YOUR ETSY SHOP. 

3. By joining the party, you give permission for your project to be featured and ‘shown off’ via blog highlight, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, G+. I love your shares too! Thank you!

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