That DIY Party time!

Once a week, I host a linky party where creative bloggers share their latest DIY. Join in by sharing your creativity or browse the links for ideas for your next project. 


DIYShowOff weekly recap: I visited our local CORT Clearance Center for inspiration for a basement remodel in progress. 

@cortclearance #CORTclearance @diyshowoff

Visit the That DIY Party on Pinterest for more!

Head’s up: I’m getting ready to start a weight loss challenge. This premium starter kit for weight management is available for one more day! You can join me and get yours HERE

slique premium starter kit

Party time: Let’s get this party started!


1. Please use the button above or text and link to this post to share the linky love. Here is the link: 

2. This blog linky party is for YOUR DIY projects only. Links not related to DIY will be deleted. Please share your link one week only. Please do not link giveaways, linky parties, promotions or a collection of inspiration that isn’t your own DIY project. Limit recipes to one per person per party. PLEASE DO NOT LINK TO YOUR ETSY SHOP or business.

3. By joining the party, you give permission for your project to be featured and ‘shown off’ via blog highlight, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, G+.

4. If you’re here to share your DIY and link up or just browse the links for DIY inspiration, please consider visiting one of the links above to or leaving a comment to let me know what you think about my DIY too! Feedback makes my day! Thank you so much for your support!

5. If you’re viewing in mobile, you may need to click over/convert to “desktop view” to see the links.

6. Limit three links per week per blogger per party, please. Thank you!

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Essential Oils Ideas and Recipes for Fall

All set for fall? Fuzzy sweaters, cozy throw blankets, warm socks, hot cider, and all things pumpkin? Don’t forget to make the most of your essential oils – support a healthy immune system and whip up some fun recipes and DIY ideas.

essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff

Fall must haves for wellness this season:  essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff

Autumn diffuser blends: essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff

Warm Vanilla Room Spray Recipe: essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff

A recipe for Spiced Pumpkin Creamer:essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff

and recipe for a delicious butternut squash soup to warm you from the inside out: essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff

A recipe for warm cinnamon rolls with orange icing? Oh my! essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff    

Give this DIY spiced autumn sugar scrub a try! essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff

And protect your lips with this DIY recipe for cocoa mint lip balm:essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff  

Stil on the fence about essential oils? I hosted an event this past week and members shared their stories and experiences. Real people feeling better with BIG results for serious issues. I had goosebumps. Despite my lack of “sales-y” skills, I feel compelled to share because … wellness! For everyone!

This month when you purchase the premium starter kit using enroller/sponsor #1836762, you also get a free bottle of oregano essential oil (in addition to the gifts that come from me personally). *This promo is open to US members only, but I do provide an alternative gift for foreign friends. essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff

And for a limited time, just until October 20th; the premium starter kit is 10% off for US friends! That’s HUGE! 

PSK flash sale

and just a note that while your shopping (think Christmas), if your order hits the following 190, 250 or 300 PV levels; you’ll be getting some awesome freebies! *US friends only.

essential oil infused Fall recipes and ideas @diyshowoff

Wow! What are you waiting for? In the past week when something was floating around, I’ve maintained my wellness! It breaks my heart to see suffering and down days from friends in my Facebook newsfeed. I want wellness for you too! Have questions or need more details? Let’s talk! xo 

Make your purchase HERE or HERE. I look forward to getting to know you! You’re going to love essential oils! 

Essential Oils DIY Ideas & Recipes for Back to School

back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

Getting ready to get back into a regular routine? It’s that time of the year: Back to School! Here are some helpful DIY essential oil ideas for my oily readers and friends. 

back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff Encourage an uplifting and positive attitude by diffusing Joy and lemon in the morning. Heck, I could use that kind of start to my day! How about you? back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

Add a drop of Thieves Vitality to a Ningxia Red shot, apple juice or hot cereal to promote overall wellness. YUM!back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff Homework Helper: Diffuse peppermint, Brain Power or Clarity to promote a sense of clarity and focus. back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff Liquid Calm! Add a few drops of Stress Away, Valor or Valor II, cedarwood, Peace & Calming or Peace & Calming II to a diffuser necklace or bracelet to promote calmness during a stressful school day. back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff Follow the Sweet Dreams pillow spray or roll on recipes above for peace and relaxation at bedtime. germy kid handsoap recipe DIY hand soap recipeback to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

Stinky Kids Spray recipe – spray shoes or gym bagback to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

What do I diffuse? Choose a recipe above for test day prep, sweet dreams, homework time, focus or starting the day off on the right foot. back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

Dreamsicle smoothie – perfect rise n shine or after school treat. back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

Roller ball recipes – great for on the go, perfect to have on hand: Peace & Calm, Sleep Well, Breathe Easy, After School Practice, Up and At ‘Em. back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

Dreamsicle essential oil infused fruit dip recipe – yum! back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

Sweet Dreams Cream recipeback to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

DIY essential oil infused detangled spray recipe: A must have for long or curly hair! A little less “ouch”! back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

KidScents products – these are so convenient, pre-made, already diluted and ready to go!back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

Class room must-haves and healthy teacher gifts.back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

I sure do miss the days of back to school – the shopping, the prep, the excitement, the tears (moms). Wishing your little ones a happy first day! 

Ready to get started?

back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff

A FANTASTIC deal! An extra oil! So that’s 12 essential oils, a diffuser + samples, etc.! Did you know there’s no further obligation to order again (a membership is just…access to the wholesale pricing, not a subscription with regular orders, no autoship – unless you find you do use and love the products, then that’s an option down the road). But wait! That’s not all! – I toss in the DIYShowOff welcome bundle – gifts from me personally – when you purchase the premium starter kit using enroller/sponsor #1836762! (A $25 value plus my favorite educational material so you’re empowered to use your essential oils and an amazing community of supportive oily friends). Get started HERE! 

back to school with essential oils @diyshowoff