DIY Fall Festival

It’s been a crazy week and even though I haven’t had a chance to even think about Fall yet (other than throwing on a sweater), I think I’ve finally decided that Fridays would be a great day for the DIY Show Off Fall Festival this year and then the regularly scheduled DIY Project Parade on Sundays/Mondays. 
And since I’ve been working hard at a few non-autumn related projects and had an extra work load at my real job, I haven’t had time to think about Fall yet however here are a few of my past Fall projects to get things started. I know. I’m cheating. I mean these are my DIY Fall projects but Fall 2011 hasn’t arrived in this house this week.  It was cheat a little or cancel and I’m no party pooper!  

dress up a candle…
decoupage letters and a pumpkin…
glow in the dark pumpkin house #s 
Burlap leaves

ghost tree and faux mercury glass pumpkins…
Can’t wait to get started on Fall now that I’ve met some of my deadlines.  Link up! Inspire me!
The DIY Show Off
Let’s see your DIY fall projects! Show off!


•Create a blog post about an Autumn/Fall project that YOU HAVE CREATED. Feel free to include a past link, however please make a note on a recent post about the DIY Fall Festival to invite everyone over to join in or to search the collection of fall inspired ideas.

•Add your project title to Linky party below.  (example: House # Pumpkins)

•Type in the permalink address, not your basic blog address. A permalink is the address that links directly to your specific post. (example:

•Please add the DIY button or link to the party in your post to share the party with your readers.

•Although a tutorial is helpful, it’s not required. It just must be your project.  Please only link up same project once to one party.

•If you notice that you’re link disappeared, please make the correction according to the rules above and re-link!
• By adding your link, you give the DIY Show Off permission to highlight your project in a future post. Enjoy and be inspired!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Have you voted for Cassity & Roeshel today? We’d LOVE your help + YOU’ll be entered to win an area rug here (everyday through Sept. 14th) AND new flooring from Shaw for a room in your home! We’re not too proud to beg!  🙂  We want a chance at winning too!  Find out how at:
Did You Enter to Win new flooring and Vote for Cassity & Roeshel today? Please do!
Thanks to those voting and entering to win everyday!!!  I’ve been trying to reply/visit you personally in return to thank you personally, but in case I’ve missed you – YOU ROCK! Your help is so precious because this means so much.  Thank you! 😉 

DIY at Blissfully Ever After

Meet:  Jennifer from

Blissfully Ever After
Jennifer shares her creativity, blissful and healthy living and DIY.  🙂
This beast of a bathroom after being gutted…
became this beauty!  Blissfully ever after?  Definitely! Beautiful fixtures and attention to detail. See the full post with more detailed pictures and progress at Bathroom Renovation
Bathroom AFTER
The entryway before wasn’t bad…
Entryway BEFORE
But now, with a new facelift, this girl shines! 
Secretary's desk
Sweet scripted detail…
Scroll design
Welcome to Blissfully Ever After…DIY coat rack and wainscoting detail:
Front Entry
Jennifer isn’t only talented with home improvement.  She’s a craft genius too. I love these Restoration Hardware inspired baskets.  Gorgeous! My favorite project and since she had everything on hand, her cost? 59 cents for the foam brush. Now that’s thrifty and inspiring!

Inspiring, yes?  Thanks for sharing your beautiful DIY, Jennifer!

Photobucket” border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket” />” border=”0″ />

After you’ve enter the HGTV Home collection area rug giveaway and cast your vote (PRETTY PLEASE!):

$5000 Couple Speak DIY Contest

Pop over and get a big whopping shut up! ROFL for a hilarious voting contest with my friend Lindsay over at

Trust me, you’ve never witnessed anything so ugly!

Pin It

DIY Daily Organization System (and UPrinting Business Card Winner)!

Long time blog friend, Molly from 
My Happy House
is always full of clever DIY projects.  Molly (me too) loves this PB Daily System:
Molly’s DIY ingenuity took this inspiration and for half the cost and for a system that better suited her measurements, created this:
See the full list of materials, cost and “how to” at 
Great job, Molly!  I love that it fits your needs more than the PB version and that you did-it-yourselves!  Awesome!

The winner of the UPrinting Business Card Giveaway is…

Ashley said… 3

I have always, always loved the business cards that are a bit un-traditional…so I heart their rounded/circle/oval varieties. I could definitely put them to some use:)

Thanks, as always, for all the great leads on products and projects!! Ashley