Fawn from Frugal Home Design has an awesome blog with one of my favorite labels – “DIY”! If you haven’t stumbled across it yet, now is your chance. Here are two projects I absolutely love.
I love her book display! I want to make one for my home. I don’t have kids but we do have magazines all over the place. This would be such a great idea for organizing most recent magazine issues too.
$20 DIY Book Display-4 Shelves

I have FINALLY found a solution to the great book storage problem.
I have a 2 year-old and 3 year-old (non-readers) so when they want to read a book they pull every book out to see the front! Not to mention, they didn’t know how to put them back standing up with all the backs facing out. It was making me crazy. I have tried several options (THIS, THIS, THIS). Nothing was working, until I saw this on Ohdeedoh

I was in love. They used something similar to the Ribbia Picture Ledge from Ikea. We don’t have an Ikea near us and I didn’t want to pay $ 20 dollars per shelf. I thought it looked like a pretty easy DIY so I went for it.
Off to Home Depot I went. I wanted 4-36 inch shelves. Here is my shopping list…for a total of $20.
4-6 foot 1×3
2-6 foot 1×2
I asked the nice guy at Home Depot to cut them to length for me then we were out the door. I already had the other materials I needed: wood glue, nail gun with nails, and caulk.
First step, attach 2 1×3’s together with wood glue and nails.
Step two, attach the 1×2 to the front, again using wood glue and my awesome nail gun.
Last steps:caulk, fill nail holes, and paint. Easy Peasy.
I attached the shelves to the wall with 3″ screws into studs. I love them and it has renewed the kids interest in their books, but best of all, the kids can pick out and pick up their books with ease.

Board and Batten Entryway/Coat Rack
So I live in a house built in the 90’s with no character to speak of. Slowly but surely I am trying to make it feel more comfortable and give a more character. This was my first attempt at board and batten. I absolutely love it and I definitely want to do more treatments like it in my house.
This is the entry we started with. It doesn’t really have room for much. Both the front door and closet door open to the wall, limiting space immensely. I have tried several things, but nothing really worked.
Inspired by these beautiful pictures and wonderful tutorial from Karla and Will at It’s The Little Things That Make a House a Home I finally figured out what I needed to do to my entry (and now I had my nail gun I got for my birthday) so it was time to get started.
So I came up with a plan that looked like this–very professional.
Then off to Home Depot I went to purchase my primed MDF, came home and got to work.
It is amazing I can get anything done with these two rugrats running around “helping” me. I love this picture because it truly depicts what happens when I (and probably most of you) get involved in a project. The house gets trashed. And yes, my son is wearing a skirt, but in his mind it is his superhero belt.
I did this project back in November so I don’t remember exactly how much it cost, but I think about $4o. I absolutely love it.
Now some new tile and a pendant light fixture and I will be completely happy.
OMG! I can't decide which I love more! I was going to do the raingutter shelving solution, but these are much nicer! And the entryway – that would be perfect for me! Thanks!!!
Both projects are awesome! I especially love the board & batten wall. I want to do this in my dining room on the feature wall, SO bad! Maybe I'll have to scurry on down to the Depot this weekend to get some MDF! Great idea!
Hey Roeshel I was talking to a mutual friend last night, Roxanne Zieschang! She mentioned your blog as being one to check out. I told her I had been following DIY Showoff for awhile now! Small world isn't it?!
thank you for posting this entryway–I am inspired!
LOVE the book ledge! I'll have to add that to my list of things to pick up at Ikea.
Both projects are great, but I think the board and batten is my favorite!
The Diy book display is genius!! I hope to make that a part of our home soon!!
Hey! I must have been half asleep when I commented this morning. Roxanne doesn't know you personally, but she has a designer friend in Tennessee that does? I think that's what she told me. Sorry if you were racking your brain trying to figure that one out!
I'm going to buy my MDF boards for the dining wall this weekend! DECIDED! Have a great day!
how fantabulous!!!!!!!!
The wall…beautiful and perfectly suited.
The bookshelves…I'm totally making some of these. Love.
P.S. Roeshel, I miss you girlie. I promise an e-mail this week. Life. Ugh!
I love her sight, so inspriational! I'm loving the ideas for the book shelves. I have also seen someone take the top part of an old hutch and of course paint and make it cute and that has become a book shelf. So many creative people!!
Those are both terrific ideas! I especially love the book shelf–very modern and clean lined!
When you get a chance, check out my new wall art for the hallway–just posted it 🙂 I think you will like as well!
Thanks so much for the link, I am going to check it out right now! The board & batten is amazing!
Thanks everyone for the kids words. I am going to stop by your blogs and check you out.
I absolutely adore this! What a great idea! I would have never thought of something like this and it looks fairly easy!. Nice work.
I saw this on RMS and loved it!!~ I just came across your blog and am very much inspired by your thoughts and talents!~ I see you have a successful blog as well. I am a newbie and would love some tips and tricks. My blog is a little bit of everything, as that is my personality….I love learning about people and I love to decorate so I have incorported both. I would love some tips and tricks!!~ Do you ever feature a newbie? Just wondering what makes a blog so successful and how you get there…Perhaps you can give me some insight:) We are snowed in in SC today so blogging will be my day!!~ Debbie
Can you explain why you used MDF instead of something like pine boards? Is it thinner and lighter?
Hi Molly! This project is a feature. You’d need to check with the original blogger for specific details but she is no longer blogging and her site isn’t available. Sorry I can’t be more helpful. Thanks so much for stopping by!